7 is an odd number EP4 Part 1

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-Y/N's points of view and narrator-

Y/N tapped the point of their pencil with a sigh. 'Do I come too early for class, or the teacher is just late?' Today was another lucky day.

They got to sit next to Sasuke Uchiha. 'It's time to show off the ladies' Of course they only said that in their head, or everyone would think they're A weirdo.

Y/N looked the their other side and saw Naruto sitting next to them. 'Right, I'm next to a fool too..' Naruto sat up. "Hi Y/N, remember when I got the head-band?"

Y/N scoffed at the boy. "Yeah, I've been there knuckled head." Naruto smiles placing both of his hands on the back of his head. "I can remember it like yesterday...!"

Y/N made a poker face with a bot of anger. "It was literally 2 days ago, maybe less!?" Shikamaru walked next to Naruto with his hands behind his pockets.

Shikamaru looked at Naruto with a slight glare. "What are you doing here Naruto?" I leaned back into my chair waiting for drama to happen. But of course this is Shikamaru we're talking about. The most laziest person in the class.

"Oh Yeah! Do you see this? Do you see this! Open your eyes Shikamaru, It's a ninja leaf head-band. We will be training together all 3 of us!" Naruto smirked

Shikamaru placed his right hand on his right hip. And made a bit of a grunting noise. Naruto turned to look at Y/N who was still slumped in their chair.

He kept on rambling how the head-band looked awesome on him. Everybody quiet down when they heard loud footsteps coming from outside the door. Like elephants?

The classroom door busted open seeing two 12 year-old ninja girls. One who was in pink, which was Sakura, and another who was in purple which was named Ino.

They both started to bicker at each other like dogs. Naruto and Y/N both looked at Sakura. Naruto liked her because of her beauty.

But of course Y/N saw her in a different beautiful way. She was very intelligent and she is very strong when you see her training.

(I stand Sakura >:D)

When she was finished bickering with Ino. She looked around the classroom with curiosity, Finally she spotted row two, and came running over there.

Naruto raised this hand calling out for her name. Y/N placed there elbow on top of the desk with sigh. 'She only came here for Sasuke what's new?' Sakura pushed Naruto out his seat and sat next to me. Sasuke raises an eyebrow out of surprise.

"What the fuck."

Sakura place one hand behind her head with a sheepish smile. "Hi Y/N, so I've be thinking. Every time you've been by my side, helping me. I thought it was sweet! So I want to be next to your side!"

I took my face off the palm of my hand. "Uhh, are you sure?" She shook her head up and down with a bit of blush. "Thank you?"

'I'm talking to a women. This never happened before.'
Ino came rushing to row two.

"Fine Sakura if you don't want Sasuke then I'll have him!" Other girls gathered around saying they wanted him before her. Naruto finally got up from floor making a tantrum.

He jumped on the table in front of Sasuke with a glare. He squatted down to his level. Some background character pushed Naruto which made him kiss Sasuke.

All of Sasuke's fangirls cracked their knuckles, Sakura felt ashamed, Y/N was confused AF,
How the hell were you that close to kiss?

Sakura sighed. 'I hope I made the right decision...' Naruto gagged as well as Sasuke. Right next to us was a pile of fan girls cracking their knuckles getting ready to punch Naruto into oblivion.

She gagged at the site then look at her lap. 'Was I really like that all over Sasuke... Shoot.'

--Time skip

Class finally started and now we're waiting for teams to get called. "Before I start anything, there will be at least one group of four."

Whispers started to go around the room.

"Does this mean have a chance with Sasuke?"

"If I'm being honest I want this girl Hinata on my group I heard she was strong"

"Kiba is hot."

Iruka sighed pinching the bridge of his nose at the last comment.
"No student volunteered to help the odd numbers in this class. And we can't take somebody from the other villages. Worst case scenario they could be a spy. So let's start now shall we?"

"Squad 7. Naruto Uzumaki,-"

Naruto slightly gasped at his name being called.
Sakura Haruno-"

Naruto stood up with both of his arms in the air while Sakura held her head down.

Sasuke Uchiha-"

Now the rules were reversed, But instead only Naruto and Sakura, Sasuke 'Hmph' and looked away from the L/N.

"Now this is the four man squad."
The noise went silent in the classroom wanting to hear the four man. "And Y/N L/N."

They banged their head on the table with a groan. The girls in the class sighed not being able to get on Sasuke's team.

Team 7 ignored the rest of the people's name being called waiting for 2 words.

"Okay, there's everyone's team. Class dismiss." Team 7 was the first one out of class. Sasuke left by going out the window. "Sasuke come back! Don't you wanna talk to your comrade??"

Sakura got on the table and went out the window. Naruto soon followed after. "Don't you want to come Y/N?"
They shrugged their shoulder. "I'm taking that as a yes." Naruto grabbed their hand and thrown them outside.

"Fuck you Naruto." They got up and patted their legs. "I'm going home." Naruto closed his eyes. "Your very ungrateful aren't you.."

"What was that?"

"What? Nothing, I'm going to find Sakura. See you later I guess:D"

Y/N sighed. 'I'm having my one of my moods again...'

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