The Secret Scroll EP2

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I held my Ninja head to my chest crying on the floor full of happiness. Sakura looked at me with a irritated look. "Y/N, it's not a big of a deal! Your making a scene!"

I got up rubbing my eyes. "But Sakura! Do you know what this means!? If I become a ninja, then I get to be the Tsuyoshi, if I get to be the Tsuyoshi then I'll rule the fucking world! HAHA- *CoUgH*."

Sakura sighed planting her hand on her face. "First, you sound evil. Second being the "Tsuyoshi" is just a child tale." The door me and Sakura was standing next to was opened. And Naruto was out the door with no headband.

"Oh shit.." Sakura scoffed. "He wouldn't pass even if he tried. Oh, my parents are here. See ya later Y/N!" She walked off going to her parents.

I looked at Naruto, he was sitting on the the school swing.
The other one somehow came off. I gathered all the courage I had, and walked over to him clutching my headband. "Hello."

He looked up at me with sorrow in his baby blue eyes. "Hi."

"You are Naruto Uzumaki, right? I don't listen in class." He looked back at the ground and hummed as a response. "What? Are you here to make fun of me for not passing?" I sat on the light grass right next to him.

"No. I just have nobody to celebrate with." I looked at him with concern, before anything came out my mouth, slow foot steps were coming from beside me.

I looked up to see who it was, it was Mizuki Sensai. He trained me multiple times in the Academy, I looked up to hi. "Hello Mizuki Sensai! Thank you for the training yesterday!"

Mizuki smiled, "Your welcome Y/N. But, we need to talk." I looked at him confused. "Just me and you, Or all three of us?" Naruto looked up from the ground and looked at Mizuki.

He made a closed eye smile and placed his right hand on his hip.

"All three of us."

==A Wonderful Time Skip==

I smiled at the orange sunset, the wind was a bit light and it was starting to get a little cold since it's about to be midnight. I moved my feet to the edge of the building roof.

"Careful Y/N." Mizuki said with slight worry. Naruto locked his hands together with a bit of anger. "Why...Why didn't I pass this time!"

I looked at Naruto then back at the gazing sunset. Mizuki closed his eyes. "Iruka Sensei is tough. But, he's not against you." Naruto placed his goggles on his forehead looking down at his feet.

"Then why? Why only me?"

"I'm sure others failed too..Just not in our class" Mizuki opened his eyes. "Could be a possibility. He just wants you to be strong Naruto. But that will never happen if he goes easy on you."

"But... This time I really wanted to graduate.." Mizuki chuckled, a thick breeze ran past the air. "Then I guess I'll have to tell you. But, you'll need Y/N's help since you're not really good a sneaking." Naruto looked at me while I looked at Mizuki like he was crazy.

'I've barely even talked to this weird kid."

===Iruka's POV (Point Of View)===

The moon was right out my window. I looked at the ceiling thinking about what the Third Hokage said. I closed my eyes thinking about the fresh memory.

"Iruka." I straighten I'm back from the 70° bow I gave to the Hokage. "Yes, Lord Hokage?" He blew out his pipe and took it out his mouth. "I Know how you feel. You grew up just like
Naruto...Without knowing the love of a Mother and Father. The warmth of a family to comfort you. Even Y/N has the same fate as the young boy"

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