KK Sensai EP4 Part2

72 6 18

Take a good look at him,

what do you see?

A sexy man.

Words - 1k+


"He's late.."

Naruto went out door looking at both sides then came back in the classroom. Sakura groaned. Sasuke was sitting down in his seat with his hands together on his desk.

Y/N was in the back of the classroom trying to do a hand stand on the wall. Sakura placed her hands on her hip with narrowed eyes. "Naruto, just seat down. I'm getting tired of you making so much noise!"

Naruto looked back at her with a pout. "I don't wanna! How come our teacher is the only one that's late? I'm ready to go!"

Y/N got down from their hand stand. "He is right Sakura, it's been about 45 minutes. I'm very impatient." Sakura groaned once again. "Oh, you two are hopeless right now!"

Y/N shrugged their shoulders with a smile. The noise of the door made everyone look at it.

Instead of their teacher, Naruto had a stool and placed a chalkboard eraser on top of the door. "Naruto! What are you doing?!" Sakura and walked over to him with a glare.

"Our teacher is a Jonin, you think he'll fall for that?" Y/N immediately snapped at him. "How do you know if their a boy, huh?"

Y/N turned right back to their original pose no wanting to see his reaction.
(Jokes on you, I just can't write his reaction.)

Naruto jumped off from the stool and looked at the door. Team 7 heard footsteps from out the room. Y/N grabbed the stool and placed it back. "Everyone scatter!"

Sakura sat in a seat next to Sasuke, Naruto stood still, not knowing what to do, and Y/N sat in the teacher's seat.

The eraser bounced off his and fell on the floor with a 'plop' sound.
Sasuke's eyes narrowed down. 'He fell for it? Is this guy really a Jonin?'

-Y/N POV (Point Of View)-

Our Sensai picked up the eraser while Naruto was laughing and Sakura was doing an apology, I don't know feel about this one, so I thought a mission we could possibly do.

He placed his hand on his chin looking up at the ceiling. "Hmm, how do I put this? My first impression of you guys.."

Everyone was waiting for a response from the 'Jonin'.

"You're all a bunch of idiots"

I'll shit you not,
the four of them just got depressed in less then a second.


Kakashi sits on a rail, while his 3 students were sitting in front of him on the pavement. Kakashi was the first one to talk to the new team he's been assigned to.

"All right, why don't you introduce yourselves? One at a time."

Sakura move her head to the side. "Introduce yourselves? Well, what are we supposed to say?"

If i was in this moment I would have deadass said this too.
Maybe I'm just dumb💀

Kakashi uncrossed his arms "Things you like, things you hate, dreams for the future, hobbies, things like that." Kakashi Sensai crossed his arms back into position.

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