1. Moving Day

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There was 2 weeks until school started up again. Blair woke up to a rather noisy vehicle outside. She got out of bed in her underwear and a loose grey t-shirt that she had slept in and walked over to her window at the front of the house. Moving trucks. there was 2 small moving trucks in the driveway belonging to the house on the right of Blair's (Forrest living on the left). "Idiot" Blair scoffed under her breath

"Why get 2 little trucks when you could just get 1 bigger one?" She walked downstairs, into the kitchen and looked to the clock displayed on the oven, 9:47

"Why would anyone move into a new house this early in the morning?" she said to herself as she grabed the pancake mix from the cupboard and put her ipod on shuffle. The phone rang and she walked over to answer the land line, resting it in between her ear and shoulder as she saved her pancakes from almost burning.

"Hello?" Blair said already knowing it was Forrest on the other end

"Hey babe you up?"

"Nope I'm sleep talking,"

"Did those noises wake you up too?"

"Yeah there's moving trucks outside, I guess someone finally bought it,"

"Really? took them long enough! I don't know what they've done with it no one seems to want to live there,"

"It's just really plain inside, standard, nothing special, just nessesities this neighbourhood really is perfect for single parents or new graduates it was probably built for all the teenagers getting kicked out by their parents,"

"Yeah probably, so have you seen any people?"

"No just 2 trucks, the idiot got 2 little ones, like hello? there's such thing as bigger trucks moron,"

"Ha well lets hope they aren't annoying,"

"Hey is your mom home?"

"No she sould be back in like 4 weeks"

"Really it feels like forever ago since she left,"

"Fells like yesterday to me,"

"Ya because you live with her,"

"Anyway, come over I'm making pancakes, the door's open,"

"Okay just let me put on some pants..."

"You do that For."

     With that they hung up and a couple minutes later she heard the door open

"Guess whooo?" Forrest sang cheerily as he walked into the kitchen in a pair of blue jeans with his blue plaid boxers poking out the top.

"You couldn't put on a shirt?" Blair said pretending to be disgusted.

"Shut up it's hot outside, you're lucky I even have underwear on before 11" He said back jokingly making Blair break out in laughter as she added the last three pancakes to the plate and turned off the stove.

Forrest pulled 2 plates down from the cubbort and Blair got the syrup, they both got their pancakes and walked out onto the front porch and sat on the wooden swing, Blair placing her feet on Forrest's lap. Blair had brought out her ipod and she put it back on shuffle and connected it to the speaker she kept on the porch. Then they heard the back of the moving trucks slide open and they both turned their heads to see if their new neighbour was there. Two men jumped out of the trucks, one from the drivers seat of each and they walked around and leaned against the front of the first one in the driveway and sat on the bumper.

"What are they doing?" Forrest whispered to Blair

"I'll go ask" she said back

"You're aware that you don't have pants on right?"

"They're grown men how lonely could they be?" she said as she walked off the porch in her bare feet and across the new neighbours driveway to where the men were sat.

"Hi I'm Blair" she said with a polite smile "Is there something wrong?" The men were both looking up at her, the first with strong arms and looked to be around 18 had his eyes fixed on her figure while the other one looked somewhere around 24 who was nicely tanned and obviously in a higher position than the other politly answered her question

"The um...boy, who bought the house hasn't gotten here yet so we're not sure where he wants anything.

"Oh, what do you mean by 'boy' is he young?"

"Couldn't have been older than 17 his mum kicked him out, don't know why, he seemed nice enough."

"That's too bad" Blair said back still considering whether she was going to like this new boy.

"How old are you?" the first man asked struggling to keep his eyes on her face in stead of her body,

"16" she said to the man whose expression appeared to fall as she said the words. Then Forrest walked up to them

"Hey, I'm Forrest"

"Hello" the second man said politely while the other completely ignored him still staring at Blair

"Have you guys eaten?" Blair said looking at the second man

"Not yet, but I'm sure we won't be here long"

"Would you like some pancakes? We have extra no one's going to eat" she said hoping they take the offer as she didn't want them hauling heavy furniture on an empty stomach

"Well I guess so" he said nudging the younger man "You hungry?"

"YES" he said back at what I was assuming was his boss.

"Are you sure it isn't to much trouble?"

"Of course not Forrest come help me with the plates" Blair said walking back to the house and into the kitchen.

Not 2 minutes later Forrest and Blair walked back out each with a plate of 3 pancakes and handed one to each of the men. Once they had finished Blair took their plates and ran them into the house and let them sit in the sink until they went back inside. Once she got back outside the 4 of them talked as they waited for the boy to arrive. Finally a car drove down and stopped infront of the house.

The boy that stepped out of the car was in fact....a boy. He was wearing a grey beanie over his straight blond hair, with grey skinny jeans and a white t-shirt with a black vintage looking rolling stones logo on it, he was wearing a pair of black skate shoes and had his car keys in one hand and a coffee tray in the other with 3 cups. He had a black spacer in each of his ears and the lower left side of his lip was pierced with a black ball.......he was perfect.

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