4. Friends

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We had gotten all of the furniture into the house and only had 4 boxes left in the van. The 5 of us walked out of the house together talking. 

"Blair, that's Jony and the boys over there, I gotta go." Forrest said referring to the car parked in front of my house. 

"What are you guys doing?" I asked trying to see who all was in the car. 

"Guys night, you're not invited" He said quickly.

"Awwwww" I whined with fake disappointment.  "Are you the last one to get picked up?"

"You're so weird c'mon lets go find out." 

"Alright, guys we'll be back in a minute" I said back to the 3 boys standing waiting for us.

By now the car had pulled in front of Lucas' house. Forrest and I walked across the lawn over to it. Jony was driving, and the passenger window rolled down and Jaspar climbed onto it so everything from his belly button up was hanging out of the car. His hands were holding him up from the part of the door where the window would've been. 

"Hey love, you come here often?" He asked with smirk. I rolled my eyes at him and wiped my hand down his face and he stuck out his tongue and licked my hand, which I wiped on Forrest's arm.  He turned to look at the two of us and we just smiled innocently. He rolled his eyes and opened the car door to reveal Stan sitting in the backseat behind Jaspar. 

"Um....bro....could you move" Forrest asked him.

"Why can't you just climb over me?" Stan asked sassily. I smiled a bit and kissed Forrest's cheek before he climbed over Stan into the seat beside him. 

"Later Blair, I'll take good care of him" Stan said with a mischievous smile as he closed the door. 

"Bye!" I shouted from where I was standing outside Jaspar's window. 

"Jaspar, get back in the car I don't need another ticket!" Jony called from behind him.

"Hey! That wasn't my fault! YOU were the one speeding! " Jaspar called back slightly turning his head towards Jony.

"Whatever, I'm not paying another one, so either get back inside or you can pay the fine!"

"So? I don't care?" He shot back. 

I rolled my eyes and placed a hand on either of Jaspar's cheeks and kissed him. "Text me" I said with a wink as I walked away.

"Will do, babycakes" He said back as I walked across the lawn. 

"NOW will you get in the car?!"

"Make me" I listened as the two boys bickered and Stan and Forrest in the back giggling, either at the other two or something completely different. I was halfway across the lawn when I turned around to look at them. Jaspar still had half his body out of the car but was now wrestling with Jony in the front seat. 

"Could you guys please TRY not to kill each other?!" I yelled back at them as Jaspar was pulled back into his seat and the car started again. 

"Whatever" Jony yelled back as they drove off down the street. I let out a short laugh to myself and walked back to the 3 guys sitting on the front steps. 

"Sorry about them" I sighed as I reached where they were sitting. 

"Who exactly were they?" Matt asked 

"Oh, they were some of our friends, there's 7 of us all together. The 3 guys were in the car, Jony was  the one driving, um Stan is the pale one with the light hair and Jaspar was the one hanging out of the car........ Then there's uh...three girls which is me, a redheaded girl named Emma and a Brunette named Claire.......but anyway....those were the guys......their having a......guys night apparently" 

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