3. Helping

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He was absolutly perfect, I mean look at him. He was gorgeous. He looked maybe 6" and thin. His face was pale, his arms tanner as they reached his hands but not so much that it looked like he dipped his hands in paint. He kicked the door closed with his foot and started walking towards us. he walked over and smiled at Forrest and I.

"Hi, I'm....Um...Luca, or Lucus, or Luke or that kid or hey you or whatever," What? Is he ok, what does he not know his own name?

"I'm Blair, This is Forrest. I live next door and Forrest lives on the other side of my house," I said with a smile.

"Cool, what I ment before was that my name is Lucas, but people call me Luke or Luca..." He trailed off so I decided to help him finish

"Or hey you or that kid"

"Yeah pretty much"

"Well welcome to the neighbourhood, are you going to start school at D.C in September?"

"Where?" He asked looking rather confuzed, but it was my fault, of course he didn't know the short form he hadn't even been inside the school yet

"D.C, it's short for David Clark, that's what everyone calls it"

"Oh uh yeah I'm going into grade 11, Do you guys go there?"

"Yeah we're going to be grade 11s too"

"Cool it'll be nice to know someone there"

"That's for sure," Forrest said wanting to add to the conversation even though he had never moved schools.

"So do you need help moving in? We don't have anything to do today, and we'd love to help. Right Forrest?" Blair said looking at Forrest waiting for an answer.

"Ya that would be fun"

"Um.. I guess if you don't have anywhere to be, I don't want to keep you from anything..." He said. Did he not want help? I thought he would be relieved that he didn't have to do it alone, who does this guy thing he is? I'm sorry that I'm a nice enough person to offer someone help carrying big heavy furniture when they don't know anyone in the neighbourhood, like seriously if he doesn't want our help he should just say so.

"No we'd love to help, you guys'll need help with the heavy stuff and we're stong"

"Are you sure about that love?" The younger man said looking at me, as if he actually cared, yeah right. I shot a fake smile at him.

"Ya that would be great," He said as he looked up at me with a shy smile, "Thanks" Oh my god! He had dimples! How is it even possible for someone to be that adorable?"So uh....I guess we should get started" He said looking at the two guys through his bangs that were hanging out of his beanie.

"What do want us to move first?" the older man asked

"I don't know, you guys said you knew what you were doing.....I figured I would be taking the orders, not giving them...."

"your still the customer Lu"

"Well yeah but..."

"Oh my god just grab the other end of the damn couch!" the younger man snapped at him. I smiled to myself as Luke and the younger man carried the couch into the house, stopping at the door for Lucas to unlock the door and once inside they left it open so we could go in and out freely.

"So.....what next?" I said looking expectantly at the older man.

"Think you can handle the bed?" He said looking at me obviously unsure of my abilities. I just looked at him waiting for him to realize what he had said.

"That wasn't what I ment" he said slightly blushing an looking a little embarrased. I just giggled

"Yeah I think I can handle that" I said with a cheeky grin. Forrest walked up to the man inside the van and helped him bring it to the driveway, where all three of us grabbed an end and walked into the house.

"So, we don't know your names..." I said hinting that the man should tell us their names.

"Oh, well I'm Matt and the other guy is Brad. I apologise for him too, he has a........'strong' personality" He said trying to chose his words carefully.

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