Chapter Eight ;; She's All Elite

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*Third person point of view*

"I'm becom- I'm becom- I'm becoming, I'm becom- I'm becom- I'm becoming, Judas in, Judas in my mind!" The crowd continued to sing Bexley's theme song even after it stopped playing. She smiled and waved to the crowd until she heard Britt Baker's voice.

"Wow, I can't believe this, The Inner Circle finally let you off your leash" Britt begin to insult as Bexley listened and looked on from inside the ring. Bexley became tense, but Britt continued as she walked towards the ring, "And I know everyone is already so invested and so behind you because your Jericho's daughter!" The crowd cheered at Britt's words.

Britt stepped onto the ring apron and looked around at the crowd who were all still happily cheering for Jericho's daughter. She then stepped over the middle rope and under the top rope, entering the ring. She walked straight up to Bexley and proceeded to speak, "These people out here may care that you're Jericho's daughter, Cody may care that your Jericho's daughter, I mean why else would you be given a match against the current AEW Women's champion," Britt paused between her words to point at her title that she was wearing around her waist, "But I don't care who's daughter you are, you don't get to show up and immediately jump up to the top of MY division."

Bexley, grew increasingly annoyed as she listened to Britt speak. She finally heard enough as she took her hand and slapped the mic out of Britt's hand. "Are you just going to keep talking?" Bexley screamed at her, throwing her arms up. Britt smiled and picked the microphone back up.

"Oh Bexes, you should really be saving all that energy for your match," Britt claimed as she continued to give Bexley a distasteful smile. The two women started at each other for a few moments before the sound of someone else's music began to play. Bexley was soon taken back as her new opponent was revealed. It was Nyla Rose. Bexley begin to back up slowly and shake her head. "Good luck, Bexes" Britt laughed and patronized as she exited the ring and disappeared through the entrance tunnel.

Bexley swallowed the lump that had formed in her throat as Nyla entered the ring. Nyla was more than doubled the size of the girl and just had the overall human wrecking ball appearance. Bexley was barely 5'2 and maybe 125lbs? Needless to say, she was not prepared for the match that was about to take place. Scared, nervous, and caught of guard, she wasn't going to back down though. She cupped the star on her necklace and stared at Nyla's intimidating presence. And ready or not, the bell rang, officially starting the match.

Nyla immediately charged after Bexley and Bexley ducked, avoiding her attack. Bexley swung off the ropes, towards Nyla attempting to take her down with a cross body, but she was caught in the act. Nyla, who was now holding Bexley's body horizontally in front of her, slammed Bexley back first onto her knee executing a back breaker. Bexley instantly grabbed ahold of her back, sitting up and moaning in pain. Rose then stomped on Bexley and attempted to go for a pin. "1-" the referee was only able to count as Bexley very quickly powered out of the attempted pinfall.

Nyla grew frustrated and picked Bexley back up, this time throwing her as if she was rag doll, back first into the turnbuckle. Bexley's fell to the ring's mat, lying on her side. Rose then proceeded to roll out of the ring and walk to the backside of that same turnbuckle Bexley was lying in front of. She grabbed Bexley by her hair and feet and pulled her towards her, causing Bexley's body to stretch against the turnbuckle. Bexley screamed out in pain as the referee started the five count. Nyla held her there as long as possible before finally letting go. She then pulled Bexley out of the ring by her hair and although Bexley tried to fight out of her hold, she was soon thrown into the barricade.

At this point you could feel the hopelessness of Bexley's situation in the air as the crowd looked on in silence and terror. Nyla, once again, grabbed Bexley by the hair and stepped onto the ring's apron, pulling Bexley up onto it with her. Somehow, some way, Bexley found it in her to fight back as she slapped Nyla across the face. It was the kind of slap that you heard no matter where you were in the arena. "Ooooo" the crowd said in unity. They begin to cheer and become excited at Bexley's finally offense.

The impact of Bexley's slap caused Nyla to fall back into the ring. Nyla grabbed her cheek and tried making it back to her feet. She was in a dazed state as Bexley used the ropes to pull herself up onto them. She used the top rope to springboard, flipping into the ring and catching Nyla into a sunset flip pin. "1, 2, 3!" the referee counted. Bexley quickly rolled out of the move and out of the ring as her music begin to play in victory. She smiled and jumped up and down in celebration as she looked into the ring at a very pissed off Nyla Rose. The referee rolled out of the ring to raise Bexley's hand.

Bexley continued to make her way down the ramp, but facing the ring to keep an eye on Nyla, making sure she didn't try and attack her further. She was only a few more feet away from the tunnel as she felt herself back up against something. The unexpected bump caused her to jump and immediately turn around to see what it was. It wasn't a something or a what, it was a someone and a who.

"Hello, Bexley!" MJF greeted and smiled. Along with him, he had all four other members of The Pinnacle. He was in the middle and to his left was Shawn Spears and Wardlow and to his right was FTR.

Bexley looked at each member of The Pinnacle from left to right and then back at MJF, realizing she had no where run or hide. "Where are you Inner Circle?" she thought to herself as she put her hands up in front of her and started to back away. She didn't get too far though as the pissed off Nyla she had taken her eyes off of, ran and hit her from behind, causing her to fall face first onto the ramp. Nyla then walked up to Spears and Wardlow who made a gap between them so she could leave.

Walking shoulder to shoulder, The Pinnacle stepped towards Bexley's motionless body. MJF smirked and grabbed Bexley up by her hair. Before he could do anything though, he heard commotion behind him. He turned around, still holding Bexley by the hair, to see that The Elite, Nick and Matt Jackson (The Young Bucks), Kenny Omega, and Hangman Page were now all attacking the other members of The Pinnacle. Soon enough, he too would be attacked, but by Cody Rhodes.

MJF let go of Bexley and she fell to the ground as Cody begin to punch him repeatedly. He turned MJF around, bent his head back between his arm and side, and flipped him horizontally, executing his finishing move, the Cross Rhodes. MJF fell to the ground and his fellow Pinnacle members grabbed ahold of him as they retreated through the tunnel. Cody and the rest of The Elite then turned their attention to a now, conscious Bexley.

Bexley sat up holding her head, surely wondering what the hell what going on. Cody walked to her side and offered his hand to her. She looked up at him and the rest of The Elite before accepting his hand. She grabbed onto it and Cody pulled her back onto her feet.

"Are you okay?" Cody asked.

"I'm okay," Bexley responded before trying to walk towards the tunnel. She lost her balance, but Cody was able to catch her.

"Whoa, be careful," He said.

"My dad, The Inner Circle, I have to go find them, something has to be wrong." She worried.

"We're coming with you." Cody claimed, referring to all of The Elite. Bexley didn't mind as all she wanted was to find her dad and friends.

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