Chapter Thirty Five ;; To Be

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*Third person point of view*

Tomorrow arrived and the couple anxiously sat, holding hands in the women's center waiting room, waiting for a nurse to call Bexley back to a room. As she waited, Bexley caught herself looking around the room at all the expecting mothers and couples. She wondered and theorized about their stories and what led them here and if they were happy, sad, or scared about it all. Maybe they were even like her and had mixed feelings about everything. All the thinking tired the impatient girl out as she lied her head down on Penta's shoulder and closed her eyes, trying her best to suppress any anxiety that was trying to creep in.

Eventually, she heard the door that led to all the patient's rooms open up, causing her to open her eyes and lift her head up, off Penta's shoulder. A female nurse appeared through the doorway, holding a clipboard. She looked down at the papers on the clipboard and finally she would hear her name be read aloud, "Bexley Jericho."

Penta and Bexley would remain holding hands as they stood up and followed the nurse back into a room. After a small amount of walking, they were finally assigned a room and went inside. The couple's hands became unlocked as Bexley sat down on the Patient's chair and Penta sat in another chair that was in the corner of the room. The nurse would also take a seat in the room and ask Bexley a few questions.

"So what brings you in today?" The doctor asked first.

"I need to get a pregnancy test," Bexley answered softly.

"Have you taken any home tests or have you had any pregnancy symptoms?" The nurse's survey of questions continued.

"Yes, I had been getting more tired than usual, my breasts were really sore, and I didn't get a period in July at all, so I took a couple home pregnancy test and one was undeniably positive and the other was faint, but still positive."

"Alright," the nurse spoke as she typed the answers to Bexley's questions on the computer. "Do you know when your last period was?"

Bexley thought for a short moment, trying to remember exactly when her last period had occurred. She wasn't one of those women who started on the same day and ended on the same day every month. Her period was actually pretty irregular. After a bit of thinking she responded, "It was June 24th-June 30th."

The nurse nodded as she typed the new information into the computer and Bexley added, "I think I might have gotten pregnant on the 4th of July actually.."

The girl's statement immediately got the attention of the nurse who looked up from her computer and at Bexley. She seemed surprised by Bexley's confidence. She then asked, "So was this a planned pregnancy?"

The couple looked at each other for a few moments before clarifying by saying, "no" in unity. The act of admitting to an unplanned pregnancy made Bexley look down as she didn't want to look back at the nurse who she was sure was now judging her.

"Alright, so I'll be right back to take your blood for the pregnancy test." the nurse informed before leaving the room.

Nodding at the nurse's words, Bexley continued to keep her head down until she heard the door to the room open and then shut, so she knew for sure the nurse was gone. She then sighed heavily as she lifted her head up.

"Are you okay?" Penta wondered, checking on his girlfriend.

"I just can't believe I'm here right now" Bexley claimed.

Noticing his girlfriend's discomfort, Penta got up from his chair and walked to her side. He placed his hand on Bexley's thigh and spoke, "I'm here too."

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