Chapter Thirty Two; You know what that means.

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*Third person point of view*

Team Taz's music could be heard as Penta, Fenix, and Bexley were waiting behind the gorilla, waiting for it to be their turn to make their entrance. For once, Bexley wasn't nervous for herself, but instead she was nervous for Penta and Fenix who had a possibility of losing their championships tonight. And no mater how much she believed they would retain, just knowing there was even a slight chance they wouldn't, worried her.

Soon enough, Team Taz's music came to a stop and they knew it was only a matter of time before their music would hit. Bexley took a deep breath and grabbed ahold of Penta's hand, squeezing it tightly for comfort. Penta responded by kissing the top of her head as their entrance music begin to echo throughout Daily's Place.

Fenix would lead the trio as he was first to walk through the gorilla and into the entrance tunnel. Penta followed close behind his brother, pulling Bexley along with him, by the hand. Once they all made it through the tunnel and onto the stage, Penta let go of Bexley's hand and joined his brother in doing their pose they always did on the stage during their entrance. Penta would stop posing with his brother for a moment to tell Bexley to come here with his hands.

With Fenix still posing, Bexley smiled and approached her boyfriend. Once she was close enough, Penta pulled her up against him and she slowly rubbed the championship he had around his waist. The couple shared a seductive smile for a few moments before Penta turned his sights on his opponents that were in the ring. Fenix stood up, out of his pose, and did the same. Starks and Cage were in the ring, staring back at them, and of course they had to bring Hook and Powerhouse Hobbs with them to be at ringside.

It didn't take much staring for Penta and Fenix to become fueled by their rage they felt, knowing what Cage had done to Bexley just a week earlier. They handed Bexley their tag team championships and ran as fast as they could into the ring. Penta immediately started punching away at Brian Cage as Fenix did the same to Ricky Starks. Bexley placed a title on each of her shoulders and walked quickly, closer to the ring. She made sure to get on the opposite side of the ring as Hook and Hobbs.

The four men in the ring continued to trade punches for a few moments before eventually Penta used all his force to throw Brian Cage out of the ring and onto the entrance ramp. Driven by rage and revenge, Penta would then exit the ring after him, clearly planning to continue his beating on Cage. This would immediately catch the attention of Cage's friends at ringside, Hook and Powerhouse Hobbs. Bexley would then watch in terror as her boyfriend was pulled away from Brian Cage and pushed off the side of the ramp by Hook and Hobbs. An instantly worried Bexley would immediately drop to her knees to check on her fallen love who had landed inches from her feet.

"What the hell is wrong with you?!" Bexley screamed up at the men who had caused Penta harm.

The only response the pissed off girl would get though was a devious smile from Hook as Hobbs helped Cage to his feet and assisted him to his corner.

Meanwhile, in the ring, Fenix had been continuing his fight with Ricky Starks before becoming distracted by the sound of his brother being carelessly pushed off the ramp and Bexley's distressed voice. Without thinking he made the mistake of looking away from Starks and over at Bexley, who was still checking on his brother. She appeared to be trying her best to encourage Penta to be okay and make it back to his feet.

A concerned Fenix wouldn't get any time to access the situation as the bell rang to finally start the match and Ricky Starks took the opportunity to dropkick his distracted opponent in the back. This caused Fenix to lose his footing a bit as he tried to use the ring's ropes to keep him from falling to the mat. Starks charged at him, but he was able to get his leg up at the perfect time, sending his foot directly into Starks' face. The impact from the superkick caused Starks to grab his face as he staggered backwards into the ropes. This would eventually lead to Starks bouncing off the ropes and causing him to walk towards Fenix. And then typical of Fenix, he did a forward roll towards Starks, jumped up, and caught Starks in a cutter.

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