Chapter 1 : First time I saw you

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" Shit !!! " exclaimed Mile getting annoyed when he realize he didnt bring his car today . The rain is pouring outside of his college building .

Mile is 23 years old ,a master student in St.Xavier University , Bangkok , Thailand .He has a quite build up body and a handsome face . He is quite famous in his college . Any one can fall for him . But he never dated any girl from his college . His major is Arts . He also work as anonymous Painter whose painting are quite famous in the country.

"I should have bring the car when Mum was giving me keys this morning ," he murmurled himself regretfully .

He have no choice so he ran from his college building to outside while covering his head with Painting cardboard which quite helpful to not let rain in his head . He came outside of his college and saw a bookstore there and ran towards it .

He opened the door and then an old man  who was working on a computer said ,"Oh , Mile you came today . I didnt saw you for quite long time . Were you too busy ?" said the Uncle  .
" Swadee Kha , Uncle Pea " said Mile joining his both hand ans lowering his head towards the old man .

" Swadee ", said the Uncle

" Yeah , exam is near and have lots of assignment to do so Iam quite busy this time ," said Mile with a smile in his face putting his stuff on the table .

" Okay , have a look around , I will bring warm coffee for you . You are all soak from the rain " , said the Uncle getting up from his chair and going towards the coffee vending machine.

Mile used to visit this book store frequently so the owner know him quite well and adore him . Mile enjoy reading books in his free time . He say that reading books relieve his stress and make him to forget all his worry .

He was roaming around the book shelf then he saw a man who is in a white shirt and brown pant which was quite tight showing his body shape,  he was leaning on a shelf reading a book . He looks like same age as Mile . Mile was stunned looking at him . He cannt take his eyes from this man .
Mile was looking at him without blinking his eyes . Its like he saw something mesmerizing infront of him . Then destroying his world the old man called Mile for the coffee and handed him.

Mile ask the Uncle while taking a sip of coffee ," I saw someone unfamiliar in the store today . Is he new in this area ". Unknowingly , Mile know most of the people in this area who visit the book store . Because there are only few people nowadays who enjoy reading books in this mobile phone age era .

" Oh! he " the Uncle exclaimed pointing his finger towards the man Mile was talking about .
"He is my younger sister son , he came here to spend his vacation from Chiang Mai  and help me to manage the book store ", said Uncle .

"Let me introduce you both , you both will see each other frequently from now ", Uncle said calling the man Mile was talking .

"Apo , come here ",  Uncle call his nephew waving his hand .
" Meet Mile , he is same age as yours . You dont have many friends here so you two can hang out with each other " ,  said the Uncle .

"Hi , Mile . Iam Apo", said Apo with a smile in his face .
Mile was quite stunned still but then he extend his hand towards Apo ,"Hi Iam Mile " said Mile nervously.

The Uncle went to his table to work on the computer again which he had left in the middle. Apo and Mile are still there leaving a smile on their face ,dont know what to say .
"So , you come here frequently ," said Apo . "Yeah , I enjoy reading books , it helps me to relieve my stress ,"  said Mile .
"Thats something nice to here from young people nowadays , otherwise noone have time from their mobile phone to look at these books," said Apo .
"You talk like you are dont belong to todays young peope ," said Mile mockingly .
" Yeah , right . I too belong to this generation hahahaha ," Apo said making a soft laughter .

Both are looking around the book self to find something interesting to read Both extend their hand to grab a book . But both end up extending their hand towards same book that make them to come closer to each other , looking at each other eyes . Then suddenly "Thud!" , someone places a bundle of book behind them . Then they became surprise and step away from each other .

"You can read this book ", said Mile taking the book out of shelf and giving it to Apo .
"No ,no you have it . I will read it some other day , said Apo pushing the hand .
" Thats okay , currently I have soo many assignmnet to do . Iam quite busy , you can read this and I will take it from you , " said Mile smiling at Apo.
" Okay , then Thank you" , Apo said  taking the book from Mile hand .

" I have to go now , I will catch you some other day ," said Mile smiling towards Apo , grabbing his stuff from the table . Greeted uncle  and went home .

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