Chapter 2 - At Hogwarts/The fight

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As Lily and Avery get off the train laughing together Avery ends up tripping, which is no surprise to lot's of people, she braces herself to be ready to hit the ground but only to feel she's been caught. She looks up at her 'savior' as she'd most likely to call it.

"Oh! Hi James! Thank you for catching me!" Avery thanks James.

"No problem, love." James replies with a smirk as he looks down at the girl.

"Ugh, it's you, Potter." Lily practically sneers which seems extremely mean for Avery's liking.

"Lily! Don't be rude! He just caught me before I fell." Avery exclaims as she slaps Lily's arm, "Sorry."

"Okay." Lily sighs in defeat.

"Well, than, Lily-flower, fancy a date?" James asks as he looks at her.

"No! Go away now, will you?" Lily asks as she grabs Avery and starts walking away with her.

"Bye!" Avery exclaims to the boys as they wave back.

"Well, wasn't that, um, I don't know what to say." Sirius says as he checks some girls out as they walk past them.

"Quite eventful? Is that it?" Remus asks as he looks at the boy.

"Eh, sure."

"Guys! C'mon let's go, so we can plan a prank on Snivellus." James says clapping the two boys on the shoulders before they start walking with Peter trailing behind.


The boys are now at the Gryffindor table as they watch the sorting. James watches as a boy gets sorted into Hufflepuff and watches as he walks to the table. He then noticed that the first-year had sat close to Avery and watches as she greets the little boy with a warm smile.


It was now the morning after the sorting and Avery had just skipped into the Great Hall. Immediately she goes to Gryffindor table as she sees her best friend awake already waiting for her time table.

Professor McGonagall had Avery's time table too seeing as she is always there.

Just as she sat down Professor McGonagall had gotten to the two best friend's just in time to give them their time table's.

"Good morning, Professor," Avery greets warmly.

"Good morning, girls. Here are your time table's," The professor replies.

"Thank you," The two girls chirp in unison.

"So, Lily, how's your morning been so far?" Avery asks Lily as she fills her plate with her usual breakfast that consists of eggs, bacon, biscuit with jelly and pumpkin juice.

"It's been good so far. I heard that Potter pranked poor Sev, I'm thinking about going and seeing if he's alright." Lily says the last in anger, sympathy and somewhat calmly.

"Lily, I saw him picking on a first-year last night and he was calling him a.... Mudblood." She whispers the last part.

"Oh, Sev would never! Maybe you just.. Saw someone else and mistaken them as him." Lily suggested.

"No, I saw him, I even confronted him about it. He just started to be mean to me! You know I would never say anything like that if it never happened." Avery said as she wipes her hands and the two girls gather their things up.

"But, but I've known Sev since before first-year, I know that he'd never do such thing." Lily stubbornly insisted.

"Lily, I just don't want you to get hurt, I'm just trying to let you know." The platinum blonde girl says as they make their way to their first class.

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