Chapter 24 - The date

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A/nHere's her outfit for the date! Forgot to put it in the last chapter <3

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Here's her outfit for the date! Forgot to put it in the last chapter <3

The soon-to-be-couple can be seen skipping down the corridors, most definitely on their way to the carriages. If you were close enough you could hear them laughing, and you could also see them stumbling a bit, due to the height difference between them.

No more than ten minutes later the two finally make it to the carriages, still laughing a tad bit. Avery is the first to calm down when they sit down, James following right after. James and Avery look at each other and burst out laughing again. The action happens a few more times before they make it to Hogsmead.

Jumping out, James turns around and holds his hand out for his date as some girls from the side look at them enviously. The couple ignores it as they walk around the Hogsmead and speak.

"No way, you did not levitate yourself and toys." James laughs in disbelief.

Avery laughed as nodded and said, "It's true! I promise, my mother was in shock and my father, well my father had taken a picture while he was in disbelief but was excited. Which I'm guessing that's how most fathers are." 

Shaking his head in amusement, James replies, "I only made my mothers vase shatter and she was not all that happy about it. And it had quite literally been on my eleventh birthday, I had been so excited that it shattered."

Laughing, Avery grabs James' hand in hopes to warm up her cold hand. Right when the girls' hand made contact with the boys' he exclaimed, "Merlin's beard! My love, your hand is freezing! C'mon let's head to the Three Broomsticks."

Leading the Flynn girl to the Three Broomsticks, James looks around and takes a moment to think. Think about Sirius. Think about the situation.

He was mad yet also sad. Sad that his best friend couldn't be there with him through his first date. An actual date. Not one of those dates he'd sometimes go on with girls to distract himself from the Evans girl. He wished that everything would go back to normal so he could go to his dorm and speak about the girl he fancies to his best mate for hours. Have their daily talk about random things and hot girls. Except most of the time it was James calling the girls hot and Sirius just saying they were attractive but definitely not his type as if he was in a relationship with someone. 

All that James Potter wanted was his best mate back, and Avery could see that so she tried her best to distract the boy, in hopes that maybe before they even knew it, everything would be back to normal. Of course, she wanted the same to happen. Everything goes back to normal but things like this don't just change overnight. She wished it could, but that's not how things work.

Sighing, Avery abruptly stops and pulls James back slightly. Caught off guard, James stumbles back and looks at Avery with his eyebrows pulled together in confusion, "Love? What's wrong? Why'd you stop?"

Avery gives him a soft smile before pulling him into a hug, knowing that he's really been needing one. Due to him pushing his emotions away for a while, it's been making him somewhat quiet. And not himself.

"Come on, Love. Let's get some butter beer, talk for a bit before we head to my dorm and you can say whatever you'd like. Talk about whatever's been on your mind and bothering you." the girl says as she pulls the boy to the hub. 


After half an hour of laughing and drinking butterbeer, the two walk back to the castle holding hands and taking in the peace and quiet, enjoying one another's presence.

No more then ten minutes later, they make it to Avery's dorm and James looks over at Avery with furrowed eyebrows and asks, "will your dorm mates be here?"

"No, most of the time they stay with friends, since we're all in different friend groups."

"They didn't just switch dorms?" the boy asks in confusion.

"One girl has a friend group that has more than four girls and- oh! Actually one of her friends had actually switched dorms from another dorm with some other girls that she doesn't like, while the last girl is friends with Ravenclaws. She always stays there." Avery rambles on before she stops and looks at James and leads him into her dorm.

The boy observes her room as she grabs some new clothes to go change into. He notices that there's a small sign-like-board 'A' confirming that this was Avery's side of the room, he notices that her bedding was Hufflepuff's colors and her bed was already made. As looks some more he notices that she has a shelf full of adventurous and love stories, James couldn't but laugh at that. Not in a rude way, though, he meant it in a good way, he thought it was adorable. He sees some small pictures on her wall of her and her friends, some with just Lily or Marlene or Dorcas and Alice. James sees some pictures of him and Avery, some with the boys and Regulus. James couldn't help but look at the ones she had with Regulus, they looked so happy and he was afraid that she was happier with Regulus, and then that's when he remembered that Avery had said he was like a brother to her. The boy looks away from the photos to see some plants on her desk and beside it, he couldn't but chuckle at how Hufflepuff-like she was. 

After observing Avery's side of the room he flops down on her bed and stares up at the ceiling and just lays there til Avery comes out of the bathroom. Looking over, he sees Avery in pink and yellow pajamas, flower prints on them. He also notices that she left her hair the same, just brushed out. To most people shed just look like a normal person getting ready for bed but to James she looked like a goddess.

Noticing James' stare, Avery furrows her eyebrows and asks, "What? Do I have something on my face?"

Snapping out of his trance-like state he immediately shakes his head and responds, "No, no, no, no. You don't, you just- you just look really cute."

The girl blushes and looks down slightly before looking up at the boy again and smiles, extending her hand to him. The Potter boy grabs her hand as she leads him to her door and opens it. 

"Well, my love, it's getting late and you need to head back to your dorm. So bye." Avery says as she kisses his cheek goodbye.

Feeling butterflies in his stomach, James grins and replies, "goodnight, my love."

With that, James walks out and heads down the stairs as soon as he knows he's out of Avery's line of sight he touches his cheek, the exact spot she had kissed him and smiles even wider, if possible.

As soon as James was out of her line of sight, Avery closes her door and puts her back to it and slides down it slowly while squealing.


Okay how was that? I will admit that it had taken me weeks to make because I was dealing with school and I just wasn't all up to doing anything. Lol not being lazy :P Anyway so on tik tok I'm on a break from posting for a while but I am liking and commenting on my followers posts just to spread some positive thoughts and what not, sometimes I follow back but not all the time because I don't want to follow too many accounts. Anyway, if you do have tik tok go check mine out, it's called Marauders._.01 plus it has lots of James Potter content! Anyway just know you guys are appreciated and that even if it may not seem like it there are many people surrounding you that care very deeply for you! Love you guys so much! Byeeee, my loves <3

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