Chapter 3 - Cookies

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As James walks away from the boys he pulls the Marauders Map out and searches for Avery's name. Just as he finds it he runs face first into a wall from shock as he sees that he had just passed her.

"James? Is that you? Are you okay?" She bombards him in questions as she hurries her way towards him.

"Uh, yeah, yeah, I'm good" He replies as he rubs his nose.

"What are you doing here? Shouldn't you be in class?" Avery asks as she wipes her eyes.

"Yeah, I just wanted to, um see if you were good," James replies awkwardly as the two aren't that close.

"Oh, please, James, don't worry about me. I'm fine just... A little upset." She replied but James knew better than to not worry.

"Of course, I'm gonna worry about you. You just had a bloody fight with Lily Evans." He said not believing that she was just 'a little upset'.

"I'm fine, honestly. Just- just go to class and don't worry about me I'll be fine. Plus, you barely even know me." Avery said trying convince the boy she was fine.

But he could easily see through her lies.

"I know you're not okay. I can see through your lies. C'mon, we're going somewhere to cheer you up." James said holding out his hand for the small girl.

She grabs his hand as she sighs, "Fine, how are you? How's your nose?" Avery asks as her selfless traits spill out and she almost forgets about the fight.

"Bloody hell," James mutters under his breathe, "I'm fine, you are the one that isn't. Now let's go." He said now running down the corridors since everyone was in class.

Avery laughs as she tries to keep up, "Bloody hell, you're fast, but I can go faster," (THATS WHAT SHE SAID) She says as she easily passes him, which is shocking considering he was well known as one of the fastest Hogwarts students.

"Wha-? How? Shit, you truly are fast." He says as she lets go of his hand and continues running.

"Wait." Avery says at she abruptly stops making James collide into her sending them to the ground.

James groans rolling over, "What?"

"I don't even know where we're going, silly!" She exclaims giggling a bit making James look at her smiling.

"Oh, yeah, we're going to the kitchens." He said rubbing the back of his neck suddenly nervous that she would shut him down by telling him to 'Go shove off' and leave her alone.

"Oh! Yay! Can we make cookies, please, please, please?" She said using her cute puppy dog eyes.

He couldn't help but give in.

"Oh, alright, fine." James said smiling softly at her.

"Yay!" She exclaimed squealing.

"Okay, now let's go." James said running off, leaving Avery to go after him.

Avery immediately runs after him passing by him effortlessly as he gapes at her.

"C'mon! Don't just stand there!" The blue eyed girl laughed.

"Well, I'm gonna catch you." He replied running a bit faster now.

If anyone had seen them like this they'd definitely mistake them as best friends who've known each other for years now.

The two fifth-years made it to the kitchens laughing and breathing hard, seeing as they hadn't stopped to take a break.

The two went into the kitchen greeting the house-elves before sitting down in chairs as a house-elf named Tip appeared in front of them.

"Hi! C-can Tip get you anything?" She asks nervously.

"Oh, no. We're fine thank you, though." Avery says smiling softly at Tip.

The two sat there for about five minutes until Avery finally got up and looked at James holding her hand out.

"You promised we could make cookies, so let's go make some." She said still holding her hand out.

"Okay, alright." James sighed as he grabs her hand and gets up going over to some cupboards to get the ingredients they would need for the cookies.

"Okay, so how about you pass me the things I ask for and I will put it in the bowl. Oh! And you will most likely be measuring the things I tell you to!" Avery informed him.

True to her word, James was passing and measuring the measurements like told. They somehow got some flour on their shirts but that was all.

Seeing that James had been standing there looking a little bored, Avery grabbed a handful of flour and threw it at him, which startled him.

"Hey! What was that for." James asked.

"You looked bored." the girl answered simply as she shrugged.

"Mm, okay," He hummed as he grabbed a cup full of flour and dumped on her while she wasn't looking.

"Hey! That was way more!" Avery exclaimed.

"Ha ha!" James said sticking his tongue out.

"Oh, you're on," Avery said, grabbing two eggs and breaking them on his head, which lead to a food fight.

Half an hour later the two were covered head to toe with random foods and ingredients.

"Okay, that was fun! But, let's get the cookies done because I am absolutely craving some." Avery said walking over to the cookies.

Once they got the cookies in the oven Avery started to clean up their mess while James watched the oven waiting for the cookies to be done.

"When will they be done?" James whined after five minutes of the watching the oven.

"You have to be patient. Now come help me." Avery replied looking up at him as she sweeps.

"Alright." James sighed.

20 minutes later the boy and girl were done cleaning and the cookies had just finished.

"Oh! The cookies are done!" Avery said walking over to the oven while grabbing an oven mitt and pulling them out.

"Those smell so good!" James practically moaned smelling the cookies.

"I know right."

Avery put the cookies on a plate and the two teen's started eating some.

"Here, when you see the boys give them these, actually give them the cookies after dinner." She said sternly as she put the rest of the cookies in a container.

"Okay, you can count on me!" James said smiling down at the slightly shorter girl.

"Thank you! Now why don't you go head to your dorm to freshen up and I will do the same but in my dorm." Avery says as they walk towards the door.

"Alright, see you later, Blue." James said. James just randomly thought to call her 'Blue' since her eyes were blue.

"See ya," She smiled as they parted way, both with wide smiles.

How was that?! Was it good?? i liked it! But it took forever

Oh lord, that was so cringey! With all the giggling and all that- and there were so many that's what she said jokes I thought of during this-

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