Chapter 31 - What are we?

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After parting away with the two third years, Avery went off to find Lily or Marlene. She's been wanting to set the two of them up seeing as they always ranted about one another to Avery all the time. She does hope that they can get together before this year ends, but she isn't exactly sure especially with all the drama this year. 

She finds the two out in the courtyard sitting and talking awkwardly. Deciding to finally sit down, she greets the two, "Hi Marlene, Lily. How has your guys' day been?"

Both looking up startled, they scoot away from one another hurriedly. After realizing it was only their friend, Marlene exclaims "Merlin, Avery! You almost gave me a heart attack!"

Laughing at her dramatics, Lily places a hand on her hand and says, "Don't worry Mars, I'll keep you safe."

With those words said, the trio burst out laughing especially after Lily placed the hand that wasn't on Marlene's, onto her hip acting as if she were a superhero. All in the while of all this laughing, Marlene was blushing as she took glances at Lily's hand on top of hers.

After they all calmed down, Marlene asks, "Hey, so where's Alice?"

"On a date with Frank." Avery didn't miss a beat to respond.

Marlene hummed while Lily asks the next question, "And Dorcas?"

"Sleeping in."

Lily sighed at that.

"Oh, and what about the boys?" It was Marlene who had questioned.

Avery sighs, "I've been spending too much time with them. I can't see Reg right now because he's busy. I don't exactly feel like hanging with Sev, he's been way too  demanding, with trying to get me to cut things off with James. Like no way, I love him and nothing's going to change that."

"You love him?" Lily softly asks.

"Absolutely. I love when he asks me if a date of ours is okay, the way he is gentle with me, the way he doesn't act any different with me when he's around others, the way he practically asks if the littlest things are okay with his beautiful hazel eyes. I love how he can be so confident in himself, the way he cares for his friends, I just love everything about him. I love his eyes, his smile, his everything!" Avery rants as Marlene and Lily come to realizations and look at one another.

"Uh, so how about go and relax in your dorm for the day then?" Marlene nervously chuckled.

Avery sighed as she asked, "If you guys wanted alone time then you should've asked. I wouldn't have minded. Anyway love you guys, see you soon!"

With that, the girl got up and skipped off.


After a while of roaming the castle, the girl thought that she'd go see Peter and see how he's been. She walked around to try to find places to find Peter but couldn't spot him at all. Five minutes of looking, she finally decided to go down to the kitchens. Avery turned around and immediately made her way to the kitchens. She felt as if she and Peter barely have any time to talk now that her and James were seeing each other. She feels bad now that she thinks of it, she'd basically stopped spending alone time with him.

Walking down the stairs, Avery sees Peter eating some cookies as he reads. As unusual that it may sound, Peter loved reading. He had a whole bookshelf of books that he's gotten from his Mother and Avery. He's went through almost half of the books on his shelf twice. Avery's been thinking about going to get the boy books seeing as Christmas is coming up.

"Hey, Peter." Avery greets the boy as she sits down and grabs a cookie.

"Hi." the boy mumbled as he avoids eye contact, seeming as if he were upset about something.

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