Chapter 32 - Ever thought of running away?

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Christmas was around the corner and Avery decided to go christmas shopping with Regulus. You may be wondering, 'what if the other Slytherins see Reg and Avery together?' Well they won't, in fact Avery and Regulus were sneaking out. Everyone is going to Hogsmead the next day but Avery wanted to spend time with Regulus.

"Iris?" The sound of Regulus' voice snaps her out of her thoughts.

"Huh?" Regulus was one of the only few people to call her my her middle name. He thought that it was beautiful and decided on using it.

"I asked you where should we start first?" The boy asked.

"Oh," the girl looks around before pointing to zonkos, "let's head there."


Avery grabbed many things that she thought that the boys would like. Of course she didn't get anything that could cause harm. Regulus had even grabbed a few things for Sirius, even grabbed some that he could use on some other Slytherins in his house that thought that they could control him.

After paying for the things they grabbed, the two left and walked around occasionally going into a few other stores to grab some other things.

"Have you ever thought about running away?" The question was so sudden that it shocked Regulus.

"What?" The boy clears his throat before looking down and properly replying, "many times. The place is absolutely horrid, don't think that I could ever call it home. The only thing keeping me there is Sirius, I couldn't imagine not having him there."

Avery knew all about how his mother and father practically tortured the boys. She hated it, if she ever got the chance, she'd hex or even curse Walburga and Orion.

"Well if you ever need a place, you're welcome at my home. It could even become yours, too." Avery said as she looked at him.

"Thanks Iris, but I don't think that I'd ever be able to escape their clutches. They'd somehow find a way to get me."

"We'll make sure they don't then. We'll figure it out."

"No, they wouldn't try to find me, they'd be too embarrassed." Regulus sighed.

Avery pulled on his hand and dragged him to a different store. The girl has done some thinking and thought that this upcoming summer would be a great time for the boy to run away, though she couldn't force him into anything that he didn't want.  She just hopes that he can somehow get the hell out of that place.


Later that night, Avery was sat in her dorm wrapping the gifts that she'd gotten for her friends. She planned om getting anything that she'd missed the next day.

She'd gotten Lily a journal to write in along with a few books, quills, and lots of candy. She planned on getting more things like clothes and makeup at muggle stores that she absolutely adored. Her and Lily would always go there and Lily would always go on and on about these brown boots with heels at the bottom. Avery also wanted to get Lily new lip gloss since she'd lost her other one.

Avery got Marlene a red leather jacket that she'd practically been drooling at anytime they stopped at a clothing store. She even got the girl a few rings along with some clothing.

She got Sirius some records that were made by some of his favorite band. She grabbed some pranking stuff as well, some hair bands, too since he's always complaining that his hair gets in his face all the time. She'd even grabbed him some bracelets since he adored them. She also made a mental note to grab some things from muggle stores for the boy.

For Remus, she got books obviously. She got copies of some of his favorite books that he is always reading in library since he didn't own any of them. She also got him some new comfy trousers due to him already growing out the ones he already had. She got lots of chocolate (she casted a small spell to keep the chocolates from melting), a few bracelets, and socks.

For Peter, she had also gotten him bracelets, one or two matching bracelets for the two of them. She got him many books as well, lots of candies, pranking things, a journal, she'd even gotten him a jar of notes of reassurance and silly notes and all kinds of notes in the jar, she had spent almost two hours working on all the notes. She felt little regret for getting a big jar but it would definitely be worth it when he sees the jar. Oh and she even put a note in the bag explaining that the coloured notes had a specific reason behind it. Like blue was for when he was sad and so on.

For Regulus, she hasn't gotten him anything due to them spending the night together so she would be getting his gifts the next day, she also planned on grabbing a few muggle things as well.

For her mum she'd gotten her all kinds of wizarding things that she hasn't already experienced. She'd grabbed many of her mums favorite candies, many books, and just lots of things.

For her dad she had also grabbed some wizarding things that he could experience. Despite the fact that he and her mom were divorced didn't change any of his feelings about his daughter. He still supported her no matter what.

The girl had grabbed lots of stuff for many other people, too.

Last but not least, the girl grabbed James rings, he'd told the girl that he adored the rings from when she let him pick some out. She also made a mental note to grab muggle things for him. She got him some sweaters as well- oh and she grabbed Remus sweaters too, she'd almost forgot. She even wrapped a frame of a picture of the two smiling at one another with a look of love in their eyes. She'd made a three more copies of it, she sent one to her mum and then she put one into a book of many many photos. She didn't know what she was doing with the last one but decided to still keep it safe.

Honestly Harley just couldn't wait to finally be at home and work at the cafe that her mum ran, she couldn't wait to see her dad, her aunt and uncle(Alice's parents), along with everyone else. She also couldn't wait to introduce James to her family.

Smiling with the thought in her mind, the girl put the gifts in a safe place and walked over to her bed and was out as soon as her head hit the pillow.

Author speaking!

Hi my loves! Finally a new chapter! Yay! I'm on summer vacation so I should be able to write more chapters, yay!

Honestly i haven't got alot of motivation to write lately so give some chapters some more love! It gives me lots of motivation along with you guys interacting even if it's just commenting. I enjoy reading everyone's comments!

Anyway, make sure to stay hydrated(GO DRINK WATER IF NEEDED MY LOVE) and make sure to eat as well(PLEASE GO TRY TO EAT LOVELY)

Also I have no love life so I will be marrying Dr pepper. It's the best also if there is a Doctor that is dr pepper... No. No offense tho but the drink Dr Pepper is my love sooo

Anyway I love you guys! Have an amazing day/night!

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