Chap 12

262 18 10

At girl's Hostel
Jennie came to kratika with cup of coffee and put on the table sat with low energy
Jennie : (yawned) I'm really tired... There is the coffee on table
It can help you with assignment for sure!
Kratika looked at jennie and put her laptop aside and held the coffee cup..
Kratika : can i ask something.. ( and smiled) Do you think ranbir cares about me?
took a sip and was looking at jennie
Jennie stood up and sat close to kratika and looked at her ( in a picky way)
"Ohooo Ranbir"
I think mmmmm... nmm
Kratika : What??
Jennie looked at her in a tensed way!
"I think yessss"
He cares about you!
Kratika pushed jennie back and put laptop back and opened..
Jennie : Ayyyyyy
Jennie sat back and closed laptop and put her hand on it
"Now whattt?!!!"
Kratika : please don't joke around ( and looked down)
Jennie hold her cheek
"you really think I'm kidding??"
Kratika looked at her "so you mean he really cares about me?"
Jennie : yes!
And stood up looked towards window
"let me tell you what i saw! "
Kratika took coffee sip in suspence "okay.. go on"
Jennie sat on chair "remember i was outside i saw sameer and Ranbir fight and coincidentally i heard there talk too   
Actually sameer added wine in juice for you and sent it with the help of waiter and ranbir drank all that drink because he knew it has wine !
I don't the the purpose of sameer but Ranbir fought for you..!
And was drunk at the party 's end
So i Helped him..
Kratika put the coffee aside
Why you didn't told this before..
Jennie looked toward her "are you crazy?"
Sameer was with us so i kept quite at that time
Kratika : ohhh so he really care about me ( remembered the dance scene "where they were holding hands" and was closer to each other)
Kratika In mind ( i think i like him! Does he like me? Ahhh kratika what are you thinking about!! Concentrate on assignment)
Leave it will talk about it tomorrow..
I have to complete this assignment!

Jennie stood up and stretched her arms "anyways I'm going to sleep!"
Good night ( with smile) and gone to bed..
Kratika continued the assignment... "hurry kratuuu!!" you can do it

In morning
Boy's hostel

Ranbir woke up and looked at the window and sat down
Suddenly remembered what happened tonight..!
Aahhh.. Ranbir you are nonsense!
Zayn woke up and slowly touched his feet with shawn's leg

Shawn opened his eyes
"hey Ranbir bro"
You are up..
Well there is a question! (And sat on bed)
Why you were drunk? Last night..

Zayn held towel
"yeah never drink! Then what happened tomorrow?"

Ranbir moved his fingers in his hair and slowly looked up "sameer tried to drink kratika!" So i drank that instead of her..
Zayn walked slowly towards bathroom and slowly said
"shawn.. i knew it was on purpose"
Shawn : yeahh.. That sameer is upto something
Ranbir : Actually her name reminds me of someone in the childhood...
Zayn opened the bathroom door "I'm going for bath!"
"You guys should also prepare for college.."
And Ranbir stood up "let's go for little walk"

At the ground

Jennie : Why are we here?
Kratika : for morning walk "Actually i didn't slept well so for freshing up"
Jennie : okayy but for 15 min.! Okay?
Kratika started warm up
"yup okay" (and smiled)
And they start walking..

Heyyy kratika
(Someone shouted)
They looked back
Sameer : hey wait..
They looked at each other with shocked reaction
Kratika : What he want now?
Jennie : idk
Sameer came to them
"Good morning!! How are you both?"
Kratika : we are good!
"want any help?"
Sameer : No! Just came for apology ( and looked down)
Jennie : for what?
Sameer: Last night.. My friend dared me to give wine to you so i just mixed some wine into your juice
I was going to stop you on time but ranbir drank that glass
Before i reached..
I'm sorry for what i did
Kratika : as long as you accepted i forgave you!!
Bye we are getting late for walk..

Sameer's friend called himout
So He left!

Jennie sat on bench I'm fully freshed let's go back..  ( with tired face)
Kratika : took a water sip "umm let's go"

Shawn and ranbir stopped running
And Shawn stepped towards kratika
" can i have water?"
Kratika gave her bottle "hmm here you go"
Shawn took bottle and hand it over to Ranbir
Ranbir : can i?
Kratika smiled "yes of course"

Ranbir reminds that she was drinking with the same bottle (with the blissful smile)
And took sip from her bottle ( while looking at her)
And then stepped towards her "here you go.. Thank you"
Kratika :Welcome.. ❤️
someone pushed Ranbir in hurry and he got bumped with kratika..
Ranbir held her head from back and she fell on ground with ranbir on above her 
And accidentally Ranbir's lips touched kratika's lips
And kratika held his shirt tightly
There hearts beat were on another level ( even they can feel each other  heart beats)
Ranbir moved his lips back and stood up!
And gave kratika his hand
Kratika was looking down in shyness and give him her hand and stood up..

Ranbir looked at her "sorry i didn't did this on purpose" 
Jennie dusted her back "are you okay? Twinkle" and made her sit on bench
Kratika : it's okay

Shawn looked at ranbir's hand "bro your hand got scratches badly"
Let's go get some band-aid
Kratika : Thank you..
Ranbir : welcome! ( and smiled)
Shawn : let's go! Bye
Jennie : umm bye!!

And jennie sat beside kratika and gave her water bottle "relax! Take a sip"

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