Chap 20

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Next day after class Ranbir was looking for kratika to explain
He looked for her in cafeteria and met jennie
R: where's kratika?
J: umm! Looking for gf... (in teasing way)
by the way! Anything important?
R: um where is she?
J: while ago i saw her with sameer in canteen
R: ah i see
J: call her! And ask
R:yeah i forgot..
Ranbir called kratika and she attended
R: where are you??
K: um in class just compiling my assignment

When she was saying this sameer entered the room
S: may i help with your assignment mam?
K: no almost done!
Ranbir ended the call
K:yes hello ranbir!
And Looked at phone

Kratika pov:
He ended the call!
And why he was looking for me
I felt he was nervous.. What's going on with him
May be he was missing me!
Umm may be
But there is something in his mind from yesterday

Ranbir pov:
I'm looking for and she is roaming around with that sameer! Ahhhh
But how would i explain about the situation

I heard my name from behind and looked back and saw Tina
Ri: Ranbir wait!
And she walked towards me
I was confused that what should I do because I still didn't explain anything to kratika if she me like this she will get it wrong
Ri: hi
And hugged me suddenly..

3rd person pov

Meanwhile kratika entered the cafeteria holding her assignment
And saw rina and Ranbir hugging

Ranbir immediately moved back

Kratika walked towards them
K: Ranbir?
R:i want to tell you something
Ri : hi he's my fiancee

Ranbir looked at rina
K:is that true?
R: let me explain first
K: what is here to explain?
Ri: do you know her?

Kratika was looking at ranbir and tear fell from her eyes
R: let me explain
Ranbir held her arm
Kratika moved his hand back in anger and walked out

At that instant ranbir tried to follow her but his hand was grabbed by someone he turned just to see kratika's best friend jennie
"stop pretending if you were serious you should have told her first that your are engaged ! " jennie said and walked to the way where her friend went

Ranbir POV
I can feel a lot of states on me but I didn't care! I just want kratika to know what was the actual reason and we aren't engage!
I left cafeteria not giving any attention to students and rina
Actually I was frustrated because of rina sudden announce...
While walking to the parking I dialed kratika number
But I didn't get any response
I was about to put my phone back in pocket but a message popped up on screen
It was from dad saying I should give rina ride back home and spend some time with her
Now I was really annoyed
I got into my car and was trying to reach kratika she wasn't even picking call at 11th time!
I heard a knock on car door to my surprise I saw rina gesturing to open the door and I opened the door in annoyance she sat beside me and I really wanna say her that she should sit in back but to my back luck she was on call with my dad
I mean wtf she want from me I really saw her as a good friend but she is literally pissing me off by her attitude

"shall we go to restraunt? " she said hanging up the call
"I think we should just go home today I am tired" I said while starting car

"really? Are we dating? I mean your father said to me that we should be hanging out to know each other well! And your excusing even ignoring" she said while facing me

"yeah I know he said but! We shouldn't be dating and I will never able to love you! I mean more than friend" finally I said what I was longing for to say and looked straight on the road

"why is there any problem with me? I mean you should date me before saying that" she said in frustration
I stopped the car at her house
"I didn't mean that.." before I could finish my sentence I was cut off by call

I look toward rina and she spoke
"you should come in at least my parents want to see you and even I took permission from your dad"
"okay.. But let me attend the call you should go in" I said and she walked inside her house

I attended the call and heard sobbing from the other side

"Kratika what happened? And don't get me wrong you should listen to explanation first! I will never gonna leave you you know I love you.."
After 10 sec of silent she spoke

Really explanation?... For engagement? Am I that dumb to you... You think I will listen to you no.. w ( she said while sobbing)

" You have to listen to me.. And about engagement it's not true! The person I will engage or marry will you only! And yeah where are you? Tell me I'm worried.. I will pick you up"

So you are not engaged? So why she claimed that??

"Just meet me I will explain"

I'm at dorm and where are you?

"I'm at rina's house just a visit nothing more! I coming back at your dorm in sometime be ready.. "

I was cut off by uncle who was standing at the door looking at me
"come in son"

And call ended and I walked in and greeted uncle
"Hi uncle nice to meet you"

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