Part 23

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As there confusion was cleared they really felt on ease! So now the scenery next to them which was beautiful now they were enjoying it too..
The soft and refreshing air brushing through there bodies and they are looking at beautiful sunset
Ranbir intertwined their hands together while enjoying the scenery front of them and Kratika just shyly let him hold
Kratika felt so secure in the hands which were embraced to her hand
She slowly looked up to see ranbir was looking at her
As there eyes met... Kratika smiled and changed her direction and was now looking at the other side
"I love you Ranbir, I really feel secure around you and I really trust you a lot please never ever break my trust"
She looked up with teary eyes
"ranbir I really would not be able to live with out you! You are world to me".
Ranbir moved closer to her and placed his finger on her lips
"ssshhh I am not leaving you! Understand? I would never break your trust! You have my heart I will never ever think about it"
Ranbir moved his finger away from her lips and slowly kissed on her forehead
"I love you too Kratika"


Kratika and I was now in car and going back but due to some heavy traffic it was talking forevers! I don't complain though I am able to spend some time with Kratika but she is in eager to get back in hurry because dorm will be close in some min then they won't allow her in...

As we thought we are late! And the dorm is closed
Kratika let out a sigh..
"What will I do now?? I am staying out for whole night we're would I stay!..
Ahh! This is so frustrating"
And sat down on the bench
"sorry I should have drove you back soon! Now we can't go in but I will offer you my penthouse for a night! Is it okay for you?"
As I finished Kratika looked at me with unreadable expressions I don't know what she is thinking maybe! She thinks I will plan to do something.. I have too many plans but I will not do anything without her consent
" Okay " she let out " its better to go with someone familiar rather than any other option! Let's go"
And she stood up
"yeah btw I am not someone I am more than that I am your boyfriend and soon to be husband too" while walking I said while looking at her
She pat my shoulder
"yahhh I didn't meant that I trust you that's why I am coming!" she looked at  me for answer
"Well don't ever forget that I am your world Your husband your boyfriend..."
I was cut of by slap on my back
"yahh stop it! You are so childish" I just giggled

After 20 min we were on my penthouse I last visited this place month ago
Actually I used to live more time here because I wasn't able to adjust myself in dorm
She entered with me into the house
I can say by her looks she was stunned she didn't expected the penthouse would be this much good!
Actually I know it was the best penthouse around the near places
I guided her to the room
"let me order something to eat what would you like to eat?"
I said while walking out of room
"I think pizza will be okay" she said merely as a whisper and was still looking around

After finishing pizza Kratika said she was so tired so I showed her rooms she looked around the room before I could leave she held my wrist immediately
"I'm kinda feeling scared I can't stay by myself alone in the room! Can you stay?" she looked me with expectations
I just noded and she let go of my wrist
"Thank you Ranbir" and hugged me
She backed away and looked around
"you will sleep on sofa.. Okay?
After listening this I felt little sad about it I thought we will... My imaginations I slapped myself In my head

" aah! Yeah it would be okay " I said looking at her and turned around and took some clothes from cupboard " I am going to take shower so you can sleep I will turn off light after turning back okay?" I said while walking towards bathroom

( would it be okay to write some romance scenes? Tell me or other wise I will not)

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