Chap 16

250 15 12

Ranbir looked at sameer with the anger and suddenly laughed..
"umm please grow up af" he moved aside and pushed sameer..
And walked out

Sameer was surprised with reaction
Sameer to himself
What!? What the heck was he saying! He should grow up first!
(And opened his collar button) "He's baby!!!"
Wait why i am thinking about this nonsense..
Really you should grow up sameer! Ahhhhhhhh (and hit his hand on wall)

In car
Ranbir was thinking about kratika's behaviour
"Really she tried to avoid me.. ME!!
Every girl want to be with me and she..
Just ignored... Aaahhh (and made baby face) How dare she!
She's mine
And yeaaaah "his friend sameer" ( mimics in anger and jealousy)
My foot..!! That bastard...!!!
(And hit his hand on handle)
Suddenly car beeped..
(He got straight on seat and his eyes was opened full in shock)
Focus rbk focus (in mind)

In hostel :
Jennie came with Ice cream
"here you go" ICECREAM😋
k : thank u ( and took ice-cream)
J: you know! I just felt Ranbir was jealous of sameer.. What do you think?! ( and took spoon of ice-cream)
K : i really don't want to talk about Ranbir...
(and stab spoon into ice-cream)
That bastard..!
J: this much anger? What happened!!?
K: He was with his classmate! Means too close...
J: I think you should talk first.. Maybe it's misunderstanding!
K: Maybe! Will think about it later..
J: by the way sameer asked to meet for lunch..!! Wanna go ?
K: umm okay!

Next day in cafeteria
Sameer : Hey thank u for time..
Kratika and jennie sat on chair
K: umm! By the way i heard that you are one of the high scorer from this college..
Keep going..!!
Jennie : yeah..
S:thank uu.. i believe you are next for these scores!
( Ranbir entered the cafeteria with zayn and shawn)
Sh: bro! Look at that table..!
Z: bro sister in law with that bastard!!
R: where? ( and saw kratika talking to sameer)
And made fist in anger and was looking at sameer
And walk towards them..

And held sameer's collar
R: Stay away from her!!!
Kratika stood up and held Ranbir's hand
" let him go"
(and was looking at ranbir with anger)

Ranbir moved his hand back and looked at kratika.!!
And immediately held kratika's hand in anger and forcefully took her to empty class room
K: What are you doing??
Ranbir locked the door in anger
(and came toward her)
And held her hand..
R: Why are you being so rude to me from tomorrow? What have i done??
Kratika moved her hand back
K: it's my choice! What am i to you? Why are you feeling the rudness
Leave me!!
Go to her...
R: her?
K: Rina!
Ranbir lined her with wall and put his hand on the side
R: what are you to me!? You questioned right!
Let me tell you..
You are world to me! Idk from when but i am fallin for you everyday....
I just want to be with you! I love you

Kratika looked at ranbir
So rina?
R: she's just my class mate nothing else!!
K: if she confessed her love for you then?!!!
R: Then what!! I confessed to my love just now..
Why would i accept her?
( and came closer to her and whispered )
I love you kratika!
(Kratika's heart starts to beat faster ) she smiled and looked down
Ranbir looked at her smile and held her chin and lift her head up.. (and slowly moved her hair back with finger)
While looking at her smile he came closer and kissed her lips..!
Kratika was shocked and was looking at ranbir

Ranbir moved his lips back..
And Looked at her

"stop looking at me like this! I will definitely sue you for this.."

Kratika looked down and pushed Ranbir
And walked to door and put her hand on lock

and looked back at ranbir
" I love you too" ( and smiled cutely )
And walked out!
Ranbir smiled
Ranbir just got lost on her smile and words...
And was in feeling of overwhelmed happiness

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