Chap 18

213 13 8

Ranbir was staring kratika with his eyes wide open and was freezed because of that unexpected action by her..

Kratika went inside the hostel
And closed the door and stood beside the door and closed her eyes
( Kratika in her mind)
"aishhhh!! Kratika.... Was that you?!! What will he be thinking of me?! ...
Aaaahh so embarrassing.. "
And covered her face with her hands in shyness...

Meanwhile in car Ranbir hold the car handle ( was still in shock)
(Ranbir in mind)
"i really didn't expected that...
I was just thinking of being naughty...
But She did it.!!
Aaahhh she really surprised me!!
And slowly touched his cheek and smiled
"her actions really makes me adore her more.."
And closed his eyes

Suddenly his phone rang..

Aaa sshhh
scared me!!!

And attend the call
R: Hii
Ranbir's father : hello!
Are you coming this week??
R: ummm i will try after college tomorrow..
R'f: by the way you should visit office after college..
I mean you are going to take responsibility of the company after college
So you should understand the process and business
R : okay i will!! By the way don't tell mom and siso! I want to surprise them..
R'f: okay!
R: bye dad
Call ended
And started the car..

At home
Ranbir's father to Ranbir 's mom
R' f : I'm going to tell him what i decided..
R' m : don't you think we should ask him first?
R' f : I'm sure he will agree to my decision!
R' m: okayy will see..
By the way I'm warning he's stubborn like youu!
R'f :um that's right! will see..

In Girl's hostel
Kratika laying on bed and was holding pillow tightly
K: aahhhh!! What would he be thinking of me?!
Really i also didn't know why i..
I will go crazy thinking about thiss... Ahhhhh

Meanwhile in boy's hostel
Ranbir sitting on bed
R: aahhh that was cuteee... Ash
(and smiled)
Really i want to hold her cheeks ...

She is cute as she was in childhood..
World really is small
we met again after years like this
I love her...
No i love her sooo much

Can't wait for tomorrow
( and laid down on bed in excitement)

On the other side
K: aaahhh i will not able to face him tomorrow after this incident aaishhhh!

Next day in college
(Ranbir 's class)
R: just one few mins
Then i can see her cutest face...
( and held his pen in his mouth in excitement)

K: aahhh how would i face himm??!
I'm really going nuts..
And went towards cafeteria and sat chair
Suddenly Ranbir came and sat beside kratika
( every one looked towards them)
R: hey Good morning babe!!
Kratika looked at ranbir
( her heart skipped the beat)
K: good morning ( and lift her head down little in shyness)
( every one started to chat
Aah is she...
I think they are in relationship
Bf gf?
R: how are you?
K: um good
R :Let me bring tea for us both
K: um okay..
Ranbir stood up and walked towards the canteen

At canteen
R: 2 cups milk tea and some biscuits
His phone rang
He took out his phone from pocket and looked at notifications

Meanwhile on table kratika was waiting..
Sameer came from behind
S: "Hey"
Good morning
K: good morning
S: can i sit with you?
K: umm actually!
Ranbir saw sameer
"aahh thiss bastard"
And came to them in hurry and put tray on table and looked at sameer
R: hey?
S: what I'm just talking to her
R: ohh i see and sat beside her
Sameer looked at them
(In mind)
They are looking too close from usual..

R: ayy! What are you lookin at?
S: nothing..
By the way kratika where is jennie today?
K: she is in extra class..
R: babe tea!
It's getting cold
K: umm and picked up the cup..
S: bye my class is going to start too
( and looked at ranbir in anger)
R: bye bye! Hurry otherwise you will be late..
K: bye!
And kratika looked at ranbir
K: what was you doing?
R: me? What have i done..
I was just really concerned about him..
Kratika hit her foot on his foot
K: yeahh...! I see
R : aasshh seriously ( aaahh my foot aaahhh)
K : sorry
Ranbir smiled and held her cheek..

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