Part 26

169 8 11

Author POV

Ranbir took short leave to talk to his parents! Well also ranbir will complete college in this month anyway so there isn't any important class 
soon he will start his family business with dad
He was also attending the branch just to get into the ways of working and in no time he was good with the work

He was sitting on sofa and his mom dad was also sitting across him with the courage he started the conversation
"I love someone"
And looked towards his parents with nervousness
"and I can't marry or date your friends daughter just for sake of the friendship I really love her so date will not help" he said while fidgeting
"I can't betray her and this will only count as betrayal if I do this please I understand your feelings but please don't force me with it" He said and looked down he's really nervous because his parents didn't spoke for while
"Sorry son I didn't know you love someone if I knew about it I  wouldn't have forced you I was not even forcing you i was just giving suggestions to give her chance" his father said and smiled
"Yes dear bring her here we will love to meet her" his mother said and came to him and hugged him and kissed his son on forehead
"Yeah mom and dad you will love her I will bring her tomorrow if it's okay?!" he said while smiling at his mother
His father clasped his hand together
"Sure we will love to! come here and give me a hug"
Ranbir stood up and walked towards his dad and gave him hug
He didn't expected that they will agree this soon

Now he has some plans before going back to college

On the other hand Kratika is completing her assignment in cafeteria
She is so focused that she didn't even saw that someone sat beside her
"Hi pretty"
She snapped out of the work because of the word she looked beside her and glared at the man
"don't call me like that sameer or I will kick you out right now "
Sameer chuckled and leaned back dramatically "ohhh I'm scared! Calm down Kratika I'm your senior where my respect?  "
And sat back
Kratika rolled her eyes
"you are being dramatic sameer you know?!"
She said and punched him on arm and started laughing
"well seniors also need to respect"
But they both didn't noticed that someone was looking them with anger and jealousy yes it was none other than Ranbir

"Hey babe! What are you doing?!"
Ranbir asked and gave her a hand
"amm nothing Just piling up my work! well when you came back?"
Ranbir made Kratika stand
"Just 1 hour ago are you happy? "
Kratika smiled "yes I am so much happy"
Ranbir smiled back and interlaced there hands together
"woah woahh when you guys became this close??!"
Sameer asked with awe because he didn't expected this scene before his eyes
Ranbir just laughed
"stay out of our business"
He started to walk while dragging Kratika with him Kratika really was shocked of ranbir's behaviour
"where are we going? "
Ranbir looked back "to the play ground" and playfully looked back at sameer "you can join too it's gonna be fun!!" ranbir said and smirked at the shocked sameer who just followed them anyways

When they approached play ground every student was looking at them and there it was unexpected scene before Kratika's eyes
Ranbir was on his knee with the ring in his hand looking at her with the smile
She is surprised!! so much that she didn't even realised that when tear fell from her eye and when the crowd started shouting and asking to accept the proposal
She snapped back when she heard ranbir voice
"I'm so glad that I have met you! Idk but I'm still fallin' for you so hard every day.
I still remember the day I first saw you and fallen for you!! The way you were smiling at me the way you were all shy just at asking for a pen.. Hahaa
i love everything about you your eyes your nature your personality and everything and yeah I'm so protective over you that I don't even like any other boy talk to you other than me
I might be so famous in college but I just liked you never I ever looked at someone the way I looked at you... You are my everything and I don't wanna separate you from me for a mere seconds
I LOVE YOU KRATIKA! Will you take my hand and walk with me now and then
Will you marry me??
he said and nervously looked at his love of life
Kratika didn't know that she cried throughout the confession because of overwhelming happiness
She gave her hand to ranbir who took it and kissed on her knuckles
" I LOVE YOU TOO RANBIR I love uuu.."
She said while ranbir was making her wear the ring he brought
And stood after slipping ring in his love of life finger and hugged her
" I love you more" he whispered near her ear and hugged her even more tightly
In the crowd every one was cheering for the couple
Ranbirs friends was shouting sweet words and Kratika friends were clapping with Smile on their faces and yeah sameer too was smiling after seeing the sweet confession
Ranbir moved back from hug and kissed Kratika's temple
"I fallin for you even more" He said while pinching her cheek
She smiled and hit her elbow with ranbir's
she said pecked ranbir on cheek in front of everyone
"ahaaaa! YEAH WE SEE MAM" Jennie shouted from crowed
Kratika felt shy all of the sudden she immediately hugged ranbir hid her face in his chest
"AWWW" Every one coed at the couple.

.................... THE END..............

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