Part 24

121 11 16

Kratika POV

I was trying my best to sleep but I was not able to adjust myself in new place. I also ask him to sleep here with me because I was not okay in new place by myself.
After a while I was staring on the wall because I am still not able to sleep.
the bathroom door opened I shifted my eyes to the door and I didn't expected what I saw he was not wearing Shirt
I swear he look hot as hell shirtless I mean those abs and those wet hair on his temples those Lips and those eyes ashhhh!! What am I thinking! I Litterly was staring at him with mouth open and he was looking at me and I can see grin on his face
"Am I that sexy Ma lady!?" he asked while touching his wet hair strands backwards
"ahh! Put on your clothes are you gonna sleep like this????" I shouted because offcourse I will not say he is looking sexy..
"no ma lady actually I thought you were sleeping so I would put on my shirt after some time" he said while walking towards me. Will he! No nooo noo
"why are you coming here??" he came to bed and was now leaning slowly on me
"w.. Hatt ar ee you.." I slowly shifted backwards on the bed
He was leaning very close to me... I mean there was no space left
"ranb.." my words were cut off when he captured my lips in his I didn't expected this but I didn't moved away I felt his smooth lips moved slowly with mine
I closed my eyes
And suddenly he moved his lips back
I opened my eyes he was staring at me with smirk
" Kratika I know I am sexy but you should have pushed me back because I will never moved away by myself and specially when the beauty like you is in front of me!
I just remembered that you said no naughty things
Let me tell you I can't resist you" he said and gave a quick peck on my lips

"well move away NOW! And put on some shirt you pervert I mean what was that?" I said while pushing him off me I know I was blushing with 3 shades of red and I know he noticed it
He giggled while leaning back
"Okay okay I am moving but remember I am pervert just for you 'ONLY YOU' " he said while winking at me and moving towards couch and he was now putting on the shirt
I was still blushing I just hid my face under the sheets and closed my eyes in embarrassment
"by the way you look cute while blushing
but just for me Okayy!!"
He shouted from the couch
Ahh! I closed my eyes further more by his compliment he really noticed me blushing..
I have no words to reply so I just ignored

Ranbir POV

I laid on couch thinking About what had I done I mean I really can't control myself can't I?
I glanced at Kratika she has sheet all over her I  mean who won't
She is flustered!!
I picked up my phone and sent dad  a message
( want to talk about something dad)
And put it back

I slowly opened my eyes and it took sometime to adjust because it was too bright
My eyes shifted to the beauty sitting across me looking at me with smile
"Good morning" she said and started looking down " you look more cute while sleeping"
I slowly adjust my self on couch
"Good morning" I said while winking "I know I'm cute but you are cutest"
She looked me curious expressions then
"you just noticed? I am always cute"
Yeah she isn't kidding she is the cutest and I just love her
"yeah babe you are I didn't ever denied did I??"

She looked at me with smile " I'm hungry? Is there something to eat?! Or something to cook! I mean college we have to be in college in 2 hours "
She said while standing up
"yeah there is we can make sandwiches and tea! Should we?"
I said while standing up
I walked her to the kitchen and stood at the corner looking at her while she was going through the things in refrigerator
"ahh! So we are making sandwiches" she took bread from refrigerator
"and you should take care of tea" she said while handing me milk
"yes Mam on it! "
She looked at me while giggling "well I expect good tea from you don't disappoint me okay?!" she said while heating breads

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