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Monsters are creatures typically known for their large size, ugliness, and frightening appearance. Just imagine something so large, ugly, or frightening that you'd actually call it a monster.

Monsters never existed in my world. There was never a time that I was truly scared. Never a time where I felt I was in true danger or felt the need to cling to my father.

Until now.

Now, I was extremely terrified. Frightened. Scared shitless.

Of myself.

There had come a time when Zayn told me he would protect me from all the monsters that roamed the earth. But would that mean myself?

"Ana." Zayn repeated my name again, pulling me from my thoughts. His voice was almost a growl. Like he was on the brink of lashing out on me.

"Are you okay?" His voice was shaky, the red in his eyes more prominent than ever.

The line between afraid and angry was blurred at the moment for him. His feelings were so strong that I could feel him through his thick wall he always has up. He's afraid. But of what?

"Losing you." He said with a slightly softer voice this time. "I'm afraid of losing you." His voice turned raspy.

He's afraid of losing me? Why would he be afraid of losing a monster?

"You're not a monster, Ana. Baby, I love you. It's just your hormones that are making you think this way."

"Hormones?!" I screeched "You think hormones are the problem Zayn?!"

It took only a moment for me to grab him by the front of his shirt and slam him up against the wall forcefully. His eyes were wide with shock and I knew it caught him off guard. I wouldn't have been able to if he expected it.

"I'm a fucking vampire Zayn! I drink human blood to survive! I crave the taste of it! I get hungry at the sound of a heartbeat! Hell, I even like the color of it!" My anger was getting pushed off its edge. "I. Am. A. Monster!"

"Anastasia." Zayn growled and caught hold of my wrists swiftly. All my anger vanished into thin air at his deadly tone.

I whimpered at the pressure of his hand. "Zayn, you're hurting me."


"Do you not understand me?" He grumbled, eyes a vibrant crimson at this point. His fingers increased their grip. "Don't you get it?"

Momma, what's going on?

"Get what?" Ignoring the comment to keep my little boy oblivious to my predicament, I looked into Zayn's eyes cautiously, utterly terrified that my strength was no match against his.

"There's only one monster. There's the beauty, then the beast. The beast is me." His voice grew softer. My clambering heart calmed it's irregularly fast beats.

"Zayn, there's no denying it, you're the beauty-" The demon cut me off. His voice was harsh again.

"I am the monster Ana!" He roared and turned us so that I was trapped between the wall and him. He crushed me against the wall with his entire body.

Momma, what's happening? It's tight in here.

I immediately tried to turn my stomach from Zayn's forceful pressure but the harder I struggled, the harder he pressed.

Momma! Momma!

"Zayn!" I yelled, trying to warn him. This couldn't be happening. It was all wrong. He couldn't be doing this while I had a baby in my stomach.

"No! Let me finish!" He raised my arms above my head and slammed them to the wall, automatically causing my back to arch. Terror rushed through my veins in a giant tsunami of emotion. The ice ball was back in my head, enabling feverish movements to free myself from his deadly grip.

It hurts momma!

"Baby." I called quietly. Darkness was stirring in Zayn's eyes as he glared at me.

Zayn ignored my small comment. "All these years we've been together, you were always the good one! The smart one! You were so optimistic even though you're mated to a fucking demonic monster like myself!" He spoke through his teeth as if trying to stop himself from biting me. With every word he spoke, I felt the less I could breathe and the more pain I felt in my stomach.

The source of life in me was growing weak.

"Zayn!" I let out a bloodcurdling scream. His lips only twitched up into a smirk while his pupils turned to resemble a red cat eye.

Momma I- My baby went silent. The connection between the small source of life inside me and I was cut. There was only silence when I tried to stir him up.

I finally saw him for who he was. I finally saw him for what he was.

My God. He is the monster.

"Zayn!" I cried. "The baby!"

He tensed as the word seemed to break him from murdering me and let my wrists go immediately. There was a flash of pain in his eyes as he regained control of his actions. His eyebrows arched into a permanent worry crease on his forehead.

Tears would be streaming down my face right now. But since I couldn't, I was sobbing with no tears.

I hiccuped. "The baby. The baby. The baby." My voice fumbled with words at the despair of what just happened. My hands instinctively wrapped around my stomach protectively.

My ears could only pick up the faint sound of a small heart beating weakly. It was struggling to pump blood to heal the small body.

The more time passed, the slower the rhythm became.



My little reassuring sound wasn't strong and constant anymore. Only a failing heart of a life ended too early.

"Baby, I-"

"Don't." I weeped and sunk to the floor. "You- you monster!"

"I'll go get Doctor Gerald." He muttered and was out in a flash.

He was smart. He knew he shouldn't be near me. The monster knew to leave me alone.

Dedicated to _aleynaaa__ bc she's just gorgeous and is the best Turkish teacher, and Zaynismywifey bc tbh, your comment helped me plot this chapter.

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