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"Mephistopheles is kind of long. Don't you think?" I asked Zayn.

"Yes, but that is the name my mother wants him to have. That is the name he is destined to own." The typing sound continued.

"But what about the name we want?"

"Honestly, whatever name you want is what I want." He said. "I think we can have a second name."

"I was thinking," I twirled my fingers on top of my five month baby bump. "James."

"James?" Zayn asked. "Like your father, James?" I nodded my head slowly while dropping my eyes to the floor.

"I've been thinking about him lately." I admitted.

"Do you want to see him?" He asked. A sliver of hope warmed me.

"Yeah..." I trailed, afraid he would shut me down.


"Okay?" I asked. Is he really going to let me see him?

"You know, I'm not going to fall into that trap of that dramatic Fault in Our Stars shit, right?" Zayn chuckled. I just squealed in response and ran over to him, embracing him excitedly, still managing to be cautious about my baby bump.

"When is the soonest I can see him?"

"It will have to be after you've had your baby."

"Why?" I asked, mood faltering immediately.

"Your father wouldn't exactly approve of me getting you pregnant when you're seventeen." He put quotations around seventeen. I still looked seventeen to my father and when I go to my father, he will only remember me up to seventeen.

"You're right." I sighed, realization setting in.

"Of course I am." He smirked.

"Shut up." I giggled whilst sighing in contempt. "You're so cocky."

"I believe the word you're looking for is imperious." He chuckled.



"The midwives are here." Zayn breathed and let go of my hand, zooming to the door. I felt every squeeze and push as the contractions sent fire through my body. I breathed quickly as some pain came back with the absence of Zayn's hand.

"Where is she?" I heard a woman mutter.

"Bedroom." Zayn said quickly.

They all walked in the room together. There were three. All of them had the strange scent of a vampire and a human. But I recognized one above the others: Bael.

She was glorious. She had her dark black hair pulled into a bun, her body fit tightly in a black sweater and black jeans fit onto her thin legs like a model. It seemed as if she radiated a dark blue to black aura. The other women had orange auras surrounding them. Another contraction ripped through me as my giant stomach shifted. Zayn walked in and quickly came to my side.

His hand took mine in a tight grip resulting in my pain slightly evening out.

"Zayn," Bael called him. Why didn't she call him Stolas? "We're getting close. The contractions are coming closer together."

I looked at Zayn as I gasped for precious air. I looked at his eyes and noticed the true hazel his eyes had become. My breathing calmed. He looked different. Almost innocent. Automatically, I knew this wasn't the Zayn I knew.

While the midwives quickly set up around me, I looked at Zayn. The real Zayn. It reminded me of that moment a few months ago when Zayn had become soft. When his eyes were this hazel instead of the false but beautiful bronze. When he had human emotion.

"Zayn?" I breathed. The intimate moment got cut off by my scream as I felt something rip through my body. My ribs shifted with the undeniable strength of my baby.

"Help her!" Zayn roared, the hazel gone.

"We have to give her a cesarean section. It's too dangerous otherwise." Bael said almost to herself. She put her black bag on the bed and unrolled it to reveal many silver items that looked deadly.

"Why can't you just," I gasped in pain. "Snap your fingers and the baby be out already?"

"There are no such thing as babies in Hell therefore I never developed the power to easily deliver one. Babies are the holy state of life. I can't interfere supernaturally." She muttered and picked up a small shiny object that I quickly identified as a scalpel.

"Stolas, hold her," Zayn's hand tightened against my own. "Mishka! Empusa! Legs!" My legs and arms were soon restricted.

My heart galloped away as she brought the scalpel to the inside of my left hip.

"Steady," The blade touched my skin. "Steady." I held my breath in anticipation.

I felt the scalpel pierce through the first layer of my skin. Fuck. My scream seemed silent to me as the ringing in my ears grew loud. White spots clouded my vision as I saw blood cover my bare thighs. Warm.

Faintly, I heard Zayn calling for me. I just focused on my breathing exercises I was taught. Every moment had me writhing from the pain. I felt the blade lift from my skin, and I realized she had gotten past the first layer of my body.

"C'mon Bael. She's suffering." Zayn said.

Bael nodded grimly as I watched her while struggling against the people holding me down. She put the scalpel down, bloody hands slowly moving, and looked at me.

"This will be quicker, but it will be more painful." I just nodded, wanting to get this over with as I grit my teeth.

She raised her hand a few inches above the open wound in my stomach. Her hand turned black with a gooey material before it vanished, leaving a reptilian-like claw in its place. It was shiny, black, and curved almost like what I had seen a dinosaurs claw look like. What the hell?

Her claw sunk deep into me. I felt her moving my internal organs out of the way so she could get to my uterus. Every tissue and sinew was cut away by the sharpness of her claw.

The pain was too much. Black dots clouded my eyes, and this time, they took over my vision and took my pain.

I fell into sleep.

Darkness ~Zayn Malik~Where stories live. Discover now