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_aleynaaa__ is gorgeous guys. Seriously. We need to have, like, a standing ovation because her face is just... 😍😍😍
So... Onwards!

"Let's start with introductions, shall we?"

I looked up at the woman about to introduce myself, but the silence distracted me. When I looked around I saw that no one was moving.

My eyes darted to Zayn for answers but he stood unmoving too, his mouth ajar because he didn't get to finish his sentence. His eyes were looking at me but when I moved, he continued to stare at the spot I was previously in.

"I've stopped time my dear." Bael said.

"H-How?" I asked, utterly freaked out. "Why aren't I-"

"Frozen? Because. I've manipulated time to continue running straight around you and I, but everywhere else is stuck inside a fold in time unless I want the fold to straighten out." She said. "And how? I am Bael, the very first demon of the Goetia. I am a sibling of Lucifer."

"So Lucifer is Zayn's uncle?" I asked bewildered. How on earth was I with the nephew of Lucifer, the one I grew up with to believe was the devil?

"Lucifer is not necessarily a man nor woman. Lucifer is just Lucifer. But basically, yes. Lucifer is Stolas' uncle."

So the Devil wasn't a man? That is where us humans went wrong. The Devil isn't a woman either.

"Why did you stop time to speak to me?"

"So we can have a private talk." She said. "So let's talk."

"Well, my name is Anastasia Pineda. I'm seventeen and a psychic..." I trailed off. "That's pretty much it."

"Oh Anastasia. You're much more important than you think." Bael said.

"What do you mean?"

"Don't you ever find problems answering themselves? Ever understand and fluently speak other languages you know you shouldn't understand?" She stood from her throne. How did she know?

"That is because you are the Gift."

"The Gift?"

"Yes." She said. "You are the key to the prophecy."

"What prophecy?" I asked so many questions. Dammit.

"The prophecy is the telling of when the Prince of Hell will adapt to his mate's kind for twenty years in order to achieve a mutual understanding between both races."

"Why does it make learning so easy?" I asked.

"Fate wants the prophecy to go smoothly so everything that would have caused you problems before don't exist at all."

"Humans and Demons aren't balanced? Isn't that what God is for?"

"They are. That is why I am giving you the decision to choose a kind. One that can walk, talk, and look like humans. So this leaves you with four choices."

Bael stretched her wings, which were black and bat-like instead of the magnificent ones Zayn had. They flapped once as she crouched low and flew over to me. Once she stood next to me, I realized she was quite short.

She held out her hand and a book appeared over it, opening to a specific page with two bold words on each page followed by a few sentences in italics.

One page had two familiar species on it:

Vampire: a being, believed to be mythical by the human race, that subsists by feeding on the life essence (generally in the form of blood) of living creatures. Created to balance the Lycan race.

Lycan: a being, believed to be mythical by the human race, that subsists by feeding on human food. Answers to the moon and celestial events, becoming strongest at full moons and comet passings. Created to balance the Vampire race.

When I looked at the other page, I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion.

Shadow: a being, unknown to humans, that subsists by feeding on the fear of any living creature. It lives in the night, only able to roam the world in the dark. Created to kill.

Banshee: a being, believed to exist in Irish mythology, that subsists by feeding on human food. It produces warnings of an impending death by wailing loudly. Usually seen as an omen of death and a messenger from Hell. Created to warn humans of death.

"If a Banshee is a messenger from Hell, how're the Demons and Banshees unbalanced?"

"This book is two thousand years old. In that time, banshees learned to live without coming to Hell. They strayed from us and as their kind died off, they began forgetting they were from here. So as the species evolved, they stopped telling the younger ones where they were from and the next generation didn't know."

"Well maybe it was for the best." I said.

"Your optimistic point of view will help my offspring dearly." She smiled.

"I know what kind I want." I said.

"I'm glad you've made your decision." She said. "What will my offspring be for the next twenty years?"

I thought about it. The consequences. The advantages. The pros and cons. I took everything in to consideration. The moment came when I knew I absolutely wanted this for us.

I looked at her and smiled confidently.

"I want to be a Vampire."

Duh duh duhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

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