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"I need you to lie down for me and lift your shirt up."

I did so, and watched as Doctor Gerald pulled out an antiseptic cleaning wipe with a yellowish-orange aura surrounding him. He pressed the wipe to my stomach and cleaned it.

I had realized my heart was pumping slower than usual. The blood I drank earlier was completely spent when it picked up back when Zayn was terrorizing me and my baby. Now I was hungry again. Doctor Gerald's pulse only made it worse.

Then, he took out some gel and spread it on my stomach. It wasn't cold like I had heard people say it was but then I realized it was because I was colder than it.

Praying to Bael that my baby was still alive, I looked at the ceiling, wondering how the hell I was going to explain to Bael that I had lost my baby if I did. Not only that, but I was wondering how I would tell myself I lost my baby.

Once the monitor was on and running with a low whir, Doctor Gerald pressed the motorized-razor-looking thing to my stomach. His eyes left my stomach to the screen. I watched the screen intently, trying to pinpoint anything notable.

His circular motions stopped on a spot where I saw a small form. It was twisted at an odd angle and my heart began beating a little faster.

Is that... My baby?

"There he is." The Doctor murmured to me. Tears came to my eyes. My son? In such an odd position? Why is he like that?

"I'm going to try and listen for a heartbeat." His voice wavered slightly and I automatically knew he was unsure about my baby's life.

I watched his movements closely as he rolled up his sleeves. He pressed his hand a little harder into my stomach as he focused.

Something flashed across his eyes for a moment. Hope suddenly warmed my body.

"The baby is alive," Doctor Gerald began. "he just needs some blood. Preferably fresh."

The warmth spread throughout my body, igniting in my heart first, then spreading to my fingertips and toes.


It's such a beautiful word, isn't it?

"Thank you." I told the psychic and then got up while pulling my shirt down. The left over gel on my stomach caused my shirt to cling to my minor bump.

My baby's alive. I had to thank Bael whenever I got my next chance.

My fingers closed around the silver knob and twisted it slowly only to find Zayn standing there, waiting for the verdict. This made me particularly glad the room was sound proof.

I strode out confidently, having hopefully no emotion on my face. I walked right past him without saying a word to let him think about it a little bit. The bastard deserved it.

But then I realized he deserved to know. It's his right to know. He is the father of my child.

Zayn's thoughts were on display for me since he had let his wall down earlier. Regretful words had been passing through his head for the past thirty minutes. I didn't even let him read me yet he still kept his mind open to me.

"Zayn." I hoarsely murmured. He was immediately by my side. "He's alive."

The tears in his eyes slowed to a thin stream on his face. His cheeks were blotchy and his heart- his dead heart, was beating quickly.


"I want to name him." Zayn quietly murmured.

"I know the name already." I told him, starting to feel a bit of pity for him. Zayn calmed himself down.

"Mephistopheles." We whispered together.

It was just right. The name came to both of us at the same time. The probability that it came from Bael was almost certain.

"Mephistopheles," Zayn murmured, dropping to his knees and grabbing my thighs while pressing his forehead to my stomach. "My son."

This wasn't normal for Zayn. This caring side wasn't normal for a demon. He was acting too soft.

"Zayn, why are you acting like this?"

"Like what?"

Like a pussy! "You're acting sweet and caring."

"Is that a problem?" He continued to hold my stomach.

"You're Prince Stalos for crying out loud! You're a demon! Why do you care so much for this baby?!"

He seemed torn at what I said before recovering and pressing back at me. "Because he is my son! He is my blood! I will love and protect him as any normal father should!" This was getting too strange.

Zayn never cried. Zayn never wanted to be a father. Zayn was only a demon who lusted after me and wanted to please his mother with this prophecy.

But I accepted this anyway. Maybe he's changing. Maybe he's becoming a better person.


Prince Stolas

I let the boy cherish this moment while he could. I let the boy have Anastasia to himself for the time being. He needed to get one thing clear in his temporarily-human head.

Anastasia is mine. Her mind, body- hell yes, her body, and soul is mine.

I watched from the shadows as he stood and placed a kiss on her lips. This was already making me uncomfortable.

The real Zayn Javaad Malik wrapped his arms around Anastasia's waist, pulling her against him. I'm getting too uncomfortable.

Finally, I made the smart decision to repossess his body.

The soft lips of her innocent soul gave me chills immediately. She was so gorgeous. Her soul gave me life.

Immediately, lust took over me, and I felt Zayn begin to be affected by it. Our hand reached down her jeans, touching the top of her warm slit softly. With her pregnancy, her hormones would be heightened. I bet the sex will be great.

I wonder what it would be like to whip her. I wonder what it would be like to entirely ravage her to the point of pain.

Maybe she would like it.


So yeah I just brought in a different POV.

But who cares about that right now?!

Zayn is a fuck boy. Simple as that.

I had to go through the agony of removing the One Direction tag on my story... Do you know how torturing that was?!

I will still update my story. It's my biggest success so far and it is my passion to write about the guys I'm in love with.

I love you all, and may Bael be with you all.

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