(Crossmare Fluff) Wedding

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I know a lot of people I follow and talk to ship Crossmare

And ngl, it's a pretty fucking cute ship

So here

871 words


     Nightmare was a nervous mess.

     It was his wedding. He had planned this for months, going over the ceremonies, vows, plans...They all led up to this moment. Yet, here he was, sweating bullets as he stared at his to be lover, not really taking in what the priest, who was Alpha, was saying. Until he heard the word "vows". "Nightmare, you may speak." Nightmare cleared his throat and blinked. 

     "I'm going to be honest with you. I memorized a whole damn monologue full of how much I love you. But now that I'm here...I have completely forgotten about it." There was a bit of laughing and giggling at that. "So, Cross Penaloza, everything I say to you comes from my heart. You are the first and only person I have ever loved. I used to think as the guardian of negativity, who could like me that way? And that held true for many, many years. Centuries in fact. Dream knows. But then I found you in what was left of your world. I brought you to the place I called home. And soon, you called it your home too. You were one of the sternest and best soldiers I had ever met. But one day, you saw me for who I really was. And that day, I accepted the way I really felt about you. Not as my best mercenary, but as a great friend, more than that. And we did become more than that. Now, whenever I sleep alone, the room feels so empty without you there. Any frustrations or problems I had simply melted away when you hugged me. And here we are, about to be married for life. I honestly couldn't ask for more. You are my light, Cross, and I will always love you." Nightmare didn't think he would be able to say that without stuttering, but he did. And now, it was Cross's turn.

     "I used to be greedy, there was no doubt about that. I wanted power, and it cost me so much. When you took me in, I expected to be treated like a soldier preparing for war. I'd wake up at 9 sharp, go on a set schedule, and sleep no later than 12. But you treated me like a friend. And I grew to love you for it. The moment we had alone were sparse, but they were the best moments in my life. I am so grateful you came to me that day. If you didn't, god alone knows what I would have done. I love you Nightmare and everything about you, words cannot describe it. I can't wait to be with you for the rest of my life." Cross was filled with excitement and love.

"Do you, Nightmare Joku, Guardian of Negativity, take Cross Penaloza as your lawfully wedded husband?" 

"I do."

"And do you, Cross Penaloza, member of the Moon Sanses, take Nightmare Joku as your lawfully wedded husband?"

"I do."

     They slipped on the rings as they agreed. The rings had been made by Ink himself, as Ink was a master at many crafts. Nightmare's was made of silver, a moon delicately carved into the metal with miniscule emeralds adorning the ring in intricate patterns. Cross's was made of 24k gold, a heart in the center. Rubies were scattered across the ring, making it shine the same way Cross's red eye did.

"You may now kiss the-oh wait, never mind."

     Nightmare and Cross shared a long, passionate kiss that felt so unreal to them. The rings on their fingers tingled and glowed, a sign that the process had been completed. For when an immortal married a mortal, as long as the ring is blessed by one of the immortal's higher ups, the mortal would become immortal, sealing their love forever. They could barely hear his friend's cheers as they did so.

      About 50 sanses had shown up at the party, which was just a haze of drinks and partying. Nightmare was pretty sure the chandelier had been broken, and god knows what they did to accomplish that. Soon though, many of the sanses left, leaving just the Stars and the Moons. Ink was sleeping on the glitch's shoulder while Error just stared into blank space, several spent bottles surrounding the two. Killer and Dream were slow dancing, enjoying each other's warm embrace. Dust and Blue were talking, as they weren't so wasted as the others. Outer and Sci were enjoying a quiet talk and glass of champagne. Lust and Horror were having a flirt war. Cross and Nightmare? They were slow dancing too, talking quietly. Soon Error had taken Ink to a bedroom upstairs to sleep off the drinks, Dream had dragged Killer upstairs saying that they needed to sleep, Dust and Blue left a while ago, and Outer had left to Outertale with Sci. Lust had gotten so flustered, that combined with the shots he did, he fainted, and Horror had to take him upstairs. Soon Cross and Nightmare were alone, but they liked it that way. No words were spoken. They already knew what the other wanted to say. They retired soon after, exhausted by the activities.


take this excuse of a chapter lmao

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