(Platonic/Romantic Inkmare Angst-Fluff) Following You Blindly

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First request of the book :D

Requested by Creator12_ 

Idk if this is inkmare or w h a t, but oh well

So go take it as, whatever, hence the title

Sorry its kinda short, idk how to make it longer because i couldnt figure out a decent plot :'D

936 words


Ink was minding his own business, watching over the AU's. Well, as much as a blind skeleton could watch over them, anyways. 

He lost his vision in a one-on-one fight with Error. All it took was one hit, and he couldn't see. His eyes had been completely shattered. Sci couldn't fix it either; they were damaged beyond repair. 

He told Dream about it the moment he got out to tell him that he wouldn't be able to fight anymore. Dream was fine with that, as long as he still protected the AU's, which he did.

Losing his sight hurt him in more ways than one. He could no longer draw or be of use to his teammates. He couldn't see the beautiful worlds the creators made. All he saw was terribly blank darkness.

But he had grown to welcome that darkness. His voice became his art, learning how to play the flute. It was difficult, but Beats helped him through it. He would read aloud the notes for Ink to play, learn, and memorize, and soon, he learned how to make his own music without him. 

Drawing had been so important to Ink because it was his way of coping. He had sketchbooks full of messy, vent drawings. Instead of drawing out his feelings, he decided to go talk to Sci about it. Soon, he realized that talking to someone about his troubles helped more than just bottling it up and drawing it out where no one could console him.

He had been happily humming to himself when he heard the oh-so familiar sound of a glitched portal opening. He stood up immediately. Oh god, how long had it been since he'd seen Error? He'd been avoiding the destroyer like the plague, staying away from him at all costs. Not only did he think that Error would use his disability to his advantage, he thought that Error would mock him for it.

Error and Ink had been at a frenemy relationship the previous year, so Error was curious as to why Ink stopped the visits, the fighting...he had basically gone off grid.

Ink tried his best to pinpoint where the noise came from. He couldn't let Error know he was blind, he just couldn't.

"Oi, I'm oVeR hErE dIcKhEaD."

Oh, thank god. Ink was finally able to pinpoint where the destroyer was. "Error? Why are you here?"

"To AsK yOu WhErE tHe HeLl YoU'vE bEeN."

"Aww, have you missed me?"

"WhAt?! Of CoUrSe NoT!"

"Woah, chill."

"YoU kNoW, iF yOu ReMoVeD tHaT bLiNdFoLd, YoU'd SeE mE bEtTeR."

Ink stiffened. Okay, maybe he couldn't get away with this as easily as he thought he could.

"I like it. It looks pretty."

Ink didn't even know what his blindfold looks like.

"TaKe It OfF, iT's StUpId."

No, no no no



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