(Errorink) Experiment

901 17 12

TW: Monster experimentation, violence, abuse?

i mean, i think experimenting on people is abuse in a way-

2260 words


I didn't know what I would do when I'd grow up. Maybe I'd become a soldier, or a doctor, or maybe even a scientist.

I didn't think I'd be breaking into an asylum.

It had been an hour or so after I got home from work. College tuition was expensive, and I didn't want to burden my parents more than I already have, so I had been working at a small craft store temporarily as a cashier. It didn't give me a high salary, but it payed off the bills, and it was just a job I'd hold for a year or so before I could get something better. When I turned on the news, I was surprised to see the headline.

"Asylum Found with Tampered Bodies, looking for volunteers"

Reporter: A scientist had been going to an asylum for research when he found the body of William Stones, a patient sent to the asylum after being diagnosed with severe schizophrenia. Further research indicated the body had been tampered with unknown chemicals when he was alive. We are currently looking for adults with skill on using firearms to aid us in stopping these experiments. Now...

The news report caught my attention. I used to hang out with the wrong, or perhaps, right people at school. They were the gangster kind of kids, the people you'd expect to get suspended for smoking crack. I had learned how to use a knife rather well from one of my old buddies, and it wasn't that hard to use a gun, right? I called my buddies about it, although only one, Nightmare, really wanted to go. Now look where we are.

We were standing in a weird formation. I was somewhere in the middle, holding a handgun and a knife. Nightmare was at the front. He had always enjoyed the thrill of a fight, and he was no force to reckon with him. He had always been coated with this weird sludge, but that sludge made many weapons like knives have no effect on him in certain places. Not only that, he could grow four appendages from his back, and they were useful for restraining and harming someone.

They gave us the signal, and we charged.

The force of the entire crowd broke the front door. Assistants and the occasional patient were trampled and shoved away by the crowd. I could here the alarms blaring somewhere, but the rush completely numbed my sense of fear. I ran in random directions when I met the first scientist. He tried to do some sort of maneuver to stop me, but I was quicker. I ducked, twisted, and stabbed my knife into his leg. He yelled out in pain as I pulled it out, seeing the warm, red substance called blood drip steadily form his wound. I continued on my path.

The rooms all looked the same; white walls, clear glass. Some of them looked up in confusion, but others hadn't noticed me.

One of the rooms looked special though. There was no clear glass, just a concrete wall, and there were no patients in the rooms around it. It even had a fingerprint sensor for a lock. A digital sign was placed on the front:

Patient: P-ICW1

Male, 16

Do not open door without access.

Warning: Patient is unstable, Code 4. 

 I decided to go check it out. I stabbed the lock once, twice, thrice before the door finally unlocked. When I went in, I was shocked at what I saw. 

I saw a skeleton, roughly about as tall as me, staring at me. There were cords and all kinds of weird scientific stuff on his skull, wrists, and ankles. His eyes were weird though. The pupils changed shape whenever he blinked, but the left one never changed. It was just a blank, white dot. He had a paint splatter on his cheek and the few areas where I could see his bare bone were covered in what appeared to be tattoos, but they could've been birthmarks too. He had been chained to the wall, the bright lights reflecting off the metal. In a way, I felt bad for him. He probably hasn't been outside in a while. Then I noticed something else that was unsettling. The cushioned walls around him had faint stains of what appeared to be blood, some black and some red. "Hello?" He stared at me in wonder. He probably hasn't seen a skeleton like me before; pixlexia was very rare among them. "Who are you? I haven't seen you from around here before." "I'm not." "Then why are you here?" I thought about that for a moment. I couldn't just leave him here; this was no way for anyone to live. "Are any of those cords important?" His eye turned into a question mark, the  an exclamation point. "Oh you mean these?" He pointed to the cords on his wrist. "None of them are. They're just used for monitoring." I thought about it for a moment. "Okay, I'm going to need you to trust me, okay?"

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