Chapter 23: A Final Farewell

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I recommend you listen to this song while reading, I wrote with it (also at the side) 

Chapter 23: A Final Farewell

Oreth POV

I could not breathe. Each time the mace fell, I wanted to scream, but I could not. The man I loved was in front of me, being tortured, murdered. I could see his mouth opening and closing, struggling to take in air.

My arrows were spent, my knife embedded in a carcass’s back.

He is dying, and I am powerless to help.

A strange, berserk rage came over me, tears rushing down my grimy face, as with my arms alone, I shoved forwards. Ragortz was laughing, laughing at Alden’s torture, at my hopeless mission.

“Your death comes!” he roared. “Your mission is hopeless!”

I could not hear him, my eyes were focussed on my lover. I could hear nothing but the blood rushing through my ears, my pulse throbbing faster than any before. And then I hit him. My fist cracked as it met the Uruk’s shoulder, where Alden had cut him minutes before. He hissed and spun, knocking me aside with his arm. But I had tasted blood and I would not stop. Quickly jumping up I flung myself at Ragortz again and again, bruising myself on his armour as he laughed, swinging at me with his mace. But I was fast, my elven instincts telling me when to jump, to crouch and run. I dodged hit after hit, clawing at his skin and face, my uncut nails marking gouges. Ragortz did not appear injured, however, and with a shock I realised he still held the Stone. I could not defeat him if he had that.

My eyes met Alden’s as I made my decision, and I could see him holding out through the agony, begging me not to do it. But I had to. I had to save him.

I backed away, ignoring Ragortz’s taunts. He was certain of success, and that had made him careless as he held his arm out, Stone in hand.

I took my opportunity, sprinting at the huge Uruk, jumping as high as I could and twisting mid-air, just at the last moment. The Stone of Might flew from his hand, catching the light as it fell.

“We are evenly matched now, little elfling,” he cackled as another orc scrabbled to pick up the Stone. But I did not care about the Stone any more. I cared about Alden, and about myself.

I squared off before him, running my hands through my knotted and twisted hair until I found what I was looking for. When he saw what it was he frowned, momentarily put off.

“You will fight me with a paintbrush? Ah, I will make a mockery of you.”

All was silent. The fights around us had ceased, though if any of my friends made a move they were forced back.

I closed my eyes and whispered a prayer to Tulkas. And then I struck.

The paintbrush flew from my hand, soaring through the air, wind whistling around it. It spun mid-air, and I felt a slight breeze in the stifling marsh. And then it embedded itself, golden blade first into his open, laughing mouth. The world stopped as Ragortz gagged, stumbling, his last laugh freezing on his face as he fell forwards, toppling into a swamp like pit. Corpse hands grappled with him, and what felt like hours later, the bubbles stopped.

Bereft of their leader, the army attacked, cackling and shrieking as they ran. My friends stood together, slaying as many as they could. The sun was rising. But I saw none of this, I lay crouched by Alden’s side, tears filling my eyes.

He reached up an arm, struggling to find my hand. I gripped his fingers tightly.

“O, Oreth…” he croaked out, chest heaving.

“Shush, don’t speak. You will live, I promise you will live!”

“N-no,” he whispered hoarsely, each word breaking my heart into a million pieces. “I will not live….Oreth, my love, gi melin. Gi melin. I love you and I alw-I always will. Never…never stop fighting,”

His chest shuddered and my tears dripped onto his face, mingling with his own as they ran down his neck.  I tried to shush him but he shook his head, face contorted in pain, blood seeping out of the wounds.

“Never stop living, o-or loving and,” he gasped, rasping as he took in air. I held his weak, bloody fingers tight to my chest. “And never forget me. See me in the stars, hear me in the rushing water, in the pouring rain. Hear my voice on windy days. I will speak to you, Oreth, and wherever you go, I… I will be with you.”

He made one final, agonizing effort to lift his head and look me in the eyes. I read the plea in their fading light. And I kissed him softly, our blood and our tears mixing. I pressed our hands together, and when he looked at me one last time I smiled, gently.

Sevig i velethen

I felt the wet blood pumping out. I felt his slowing heartbeat. I felt his hand clench mine. I felt his frame pressed against the dirt. I felt his sodden cloak.


And then he is gone. The hand went limp, the blood subsided, the heartbeat disappeared and his body slipped from my grasp. He is gone.

I screamed and sobbed, cursing at the sky, cursing myself, cursing the others. I curled beside him, in the midst of battle, I pulled myself under his wet cloak and tried to inhale his scent, trying to catch the memory of him. But he was so cold. So cold.

I could take it no longer, and I kissed his chapped, frozen lips, unable to believe it. I tried to breathe life into him, softly at first, and then harsher, pushing myself against him. He has to wake up. He cannot be gone.

From behind me I heard someone shout, perhaps it is Boron, perhaps Thannor, I could not tell anymore, their voices faded to one. The eagles come. We are saved.

But we were not saved, Alden is gone and he will never speak again. Never will I hear his calm, brave voice, or feel his lips on my neck, or his hand cover mine. He is gone and I am hiding, trying to save a broken shadow. He is gone.

I huddled over him for what feels like hours, though it was in reality only moments. I heard wingbeats and the tears came uncalled for, rolling down my face in filthy orbs of salty water, as shadows criss-crossed over the fleeing orcs. I closed Alden’s eyes, my hands shaking, and as we were lifted up his fist opened, fingers splayed out. I clutched at his ruined body, still dripping blood, tight to my chest as talons tightened around us. I held him, clutching at the shattered remains of a perfect dream, the Beren to my Luthien, stolen away, taken from me to a place I cannot go. I shall not find him in the Halls of Mandos. I shall not find him under any stars.

He is dead.

And our mission has failed. 

A/N: Here we are, at the end (sad right, because you all care). I'm so sorry for the two of you who were telling me not to kill Alden but it was the plan right from the start!

Please check out the next part for info about the sequel and other stuff! 

Oh and find me on tumblr if you havent already:

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