Chapter 19: The Dead Marshes

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Chapter 19: The Dead Marshes

Faineth POV

Nearly four days since we had left the Argonath. Nearly four days since Tirnel and I had discussed our family heirloom that Bria Ironfrost had possessed for some time. I was still in shock, truly. First the wooden flower, and now the necklace that had started all our troubles? This was turning into a quest through our past.

We had reached the borders of the Dead Marshes halfway through the third day, fairly swiftly, as we had run their, instead of walking. Tirnel, Ofi, Alden and Caranel had wanted to carry on, delving into the eerie mist, but the rest of us, particularly Boron, thought it would be wise to wait until cover of darkness. So that we did, and when the sun went behind a pale grey cloud, we set off.

Our progress through the marshes was slow, and I desired nothing more than to reach the other side. But the large expanse of swampland seemed endless, especially as shrouded in fog as it was. It was an unnerving sight, the marshes. Pale waters, putrid smoke wafting from them….This had been the site of many battles at the end of the Second Age, Boron had said. I could tell, it was as if the ghosts of long dead heroes and fearsome foes haunted these plains, like an echoing scream on the air, the ricochet of phantom steel against phantom steel. A dry wind whisked around us.

“Fell voices sound through the air,” whispered Alric. “I do not like this place, Faineth. I wish we had not had need to come this way.”

“You are right,” I replied, in the same hushed voice. “’Tis foul, and seems there is no way out.”

We stepped closer together, eyes flicking to the sides. There appeared to be…little lights, flickering through the fog.

“Do you see them?” I muttered.

“Yes,” he responded, brushing a tendril of hair away from his eyes. “Yes, I see them, though I wish I could not.”

We continued our passage in silence, with the occasional words, pointing out dangerous rocks, and slippery surfaces.

Although we had left at sundown, and usually it would be dark, the marshes always seemed to have the same lighting, sickly shades of greens and greys. I could have no concept of time in there, as we could see neither the sun nor the moon.

Again, I seemed to hear whispering voices, muttering on the air, calling me. At first all they said was faint battle cries, failed attempts at speech.

And then I heard it.


I shook my head, trying to get some sense of my bearings. The clammy air was cloying, seeping into my nostrils and eyes, any crevice it could find.


Everything was trancelike, dizzy.

I heard a bell, ringing faintly in the distance.

You are known to us, Faineth.

It reminded me all too much of the dragon.

Lights will guide you.

There did seem to be lights, flickering. Air flew past me, dirt and mess blowing in my face. I stared, transfixed at the lights.

Lights, guiding you. Faineth, child, come down and join us. Light your own candle. Join us, guide others home, others like you.

Slowly, I walked to the quivering flame.

Yes, Faineth, come, down to join the dead.

The soft, haunting, bell melody rang again. I stood over the water, staring down at the pale, deathly cold face.

Down to join us. Down to jo-

A scream broke through the voice, breaking the pattern. Air rushed past my ears. “FAINETH! Get out of there!”

I snapped back to reality, the bell ringing one last time. I turned, now unswayed by the voice. Alric had grabbed my hand. He had his sword out, and his face was full of fear.

“What is that?”

I stared back at him, now unable to hear anything other than his voice.

“My friend, there was something there, but not anymore.”

“No! There is a voice, speaking! It knows my name!”

Alric clutched his head, eyes going suddenly blank, a mist seeming to come across them.

Was this what I had looked like?

I heard no uncanny voice now, but Alric looked as if he was haunted, the ghosts of the long dead warriors swirling round him. He lashed out with his sword, face pale.

The wisps hung around me in a cloud, but I could think clearer now, the strange airs no longer having any effect on my mind.

“Come, Alric, we must find the others! We have fallen too far behind!”

He made only a muffled hissing noise, and continued making steady progress towards the ages old corpse. I looked around in panic, unable to help. For me, shouting my name had worked, but I could not provoke the same reaction. He was too far gone.

The wind whistled in my ears, and I looked around the strangely lit place. Where could the others be? Surely our fellowship had not left us, or worse, been devoured by the freakish dead?

Alric had bent down by the water, his fingers touching the mire, eyes lit up by that dancing fire.

“I can hear them,” he whispered.

The man toppled forwards, falling….

And I pulled him back, stuffing my fingers into his ears. Swiftly, keeping it so he could not hear, I ripped my tunic with my teeth alone. Quickly I pushed some of the shredded fabric into his ears, the ragged material doing the job. After doing the same to myself, I helped him up. Alric looked bemused, uncertain where he was, but when I signalled to the water, and mouthed ‘others’, he nodded.

We searched for what could have been hours, days even, wading around and avoiding the lights. But at last, we heard a living voice. Boron, or Ofi perhaps. Quickly we made our way towards it, and soon enough, there was the rest of our fellowship, clustered in a circle outside the entrance to what looked like a stone cave. A little out of place, but nonetheless, it looked natural. I quickly counted them, eight. Plus myself and Alric, we were all here.

“Hail!” I cried, as soon as we were near enough. They spun instantly, and we pulled out of makeshift ear plugs.

My sister ran towards me, and when I saw the look in her eyes, I knew her next words.

“We have found it. We have found the Stone of Might.”

A/N: This is not only the worst chapter, but the shortest. Anyway, cliffhanger! Guess what happens next! Please drop me a vote and comment, I really need them!

So, we're reaching the end! 

Anyone got any thoughts on: a) The Stone, b) what happens next?

-Helena x

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