Chapter 12: Attack at Sarn Gebir

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I'm BAcK BitcHEs.

Tirnel POV

The arrow flew past my head, nearly hitting Bria.

"Row!" I shouted in fear, as more arrows swiftly followed the first. I planted my paddle in the water, as did Thannor and we propelled the lithe canoe forwards. On the bank I could see a band of orcs gathering, malicious chattering noises drifting over the water. A stab of fear went through my heart as I realised that among the large group, several were the ruthless Uruk-Hai of Isengard. One large, grotesque looking Uruk seemed to be giving the orders. As our boat sped forwards I gasped in horror and shock, realising that this was Ragortz, the vicious commander who had waylaid us once before. He had an iron leg now, to replace the one Faineth cut off, I realised with satisfaction. But it only made him all the more fearsome. My side ached as I remembered the wound I had gained at our last encounter.

"We should get access and land on the western bank," panted Boron as he and Bria drew near to us.

I nodded, ducking to avoid a whistling arrow that seemed to come out of nowhere. Alden, Alric and Oreth were a fair bit ahead of us, as they had three strong rowers. Alric was holding up a round shield to protect his brother and friend, and Oreth was crouched with her bow, firing off arrows in return. But it was not enough. The orcs were still running along equal with our boats.

"Keep on paddling!" I panted, whacking Thannor on the shoulder. He nodded, strong arms pushing the oar forwards and through the water. I ducked down low in the canoe and notched an arrow to my graceful bow. Once I'd sent it flying into the heart of the nearest orc, I grabbed another from my quiver, and quickly began shooting and shooting as we desperately tried to escape down the long, winding Anduin.

We got out of our boats on the opposite bank to our pursuers, and fled backwards through the trees. Caranel doubled over to lean on her knees, breathing heavily. "I'm going to go and scout around, just make sure there are no Uruk Hai on this side."

Boron's smile was forced, it was clear. He was probably upset about the orcs finding us so soon, and not wanting anyone else to endanger themselves.

As Caranel stalked off, hand on the hilt of her sword, the rest of us took a quick look around to make sure we were safe. When we'd decided that we were, we got more comfortable as we waited for Caranel to return. Obviously, once Ragortz and his foul beasts had left, we would get back in the boats and row away.

I settled down on the floor with my back against a tree, and cleaned my glasses. When I put them back on, Bria and Oreth had sat down on either side of me. Bria was polishing her already shining axe, and Oreth was fiddling with her braided hair.

"I can't help worrying about the orcs," I said, gazing up at the cloudy sky. "It seems like they've gone but... we've met Ragortz before, and would he honestly give up that easily?"

Bria brushed her nose before turning back to her axe and saying gruffly; "I don't think so, but surely if we stay here they'll think they've lost us. Orcs are stupid, everyone knows that."

"These are no mere orcs," said Alden darkly. "These are the fighting Uruk hai of Isengard. Even my people, who are strong in strength and aim, cannot easily defeat them."

I nodded slowly, and went back to staring at the dark skies, drifting off into the open eyed doze that the elvish call sleep.

There is something rather beautiful about the slowly moving clouds that performed a slow dance across the grey canvas. When it began to rain, the thin drops spotting the soft ground like paint dripped from an artist's brush. The world around me seemed to slow down, and thoughts became clearer. Everything was calm...

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