Chapter 4

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"Jeongin-ah did you see where I kept my Sneakers!?" Izumi yelled grabbing her beige coat.

"Do you mean MY sneakers?" Jeongin leaned against the wall, watching her suffer. "Last time I checked you didn't own sneakers. You have been using mines. Buy yourself some stuff woman."

"I am getting late ,help me."

"2nd drawer ." Jeongin rolled his eyes as he pointed towards the shoe rack.

"Thanks, I will buy you chocolate milk later!"

"Are you going on a date?" Jeongin asked nonchalantly making Izumi stumble on air.

"Eh? No?"

"I mean you are not wearing your uniform that's why but like who will date you though." Jeongin started laughing and soon received a smack on his head.

"I am gonna work at the headquarters for a while so I am not wearing uniform and bitch, you have been single your whole life too!" Izumi replied before running out of the door leaving the boy chuckling.

Minho was already present when Izumi had reached the headquarters. She mentally smacked her head to make the man wait for her on their first day together.

"Good morning." Minho greeted.

"Good morning, I am sorry for keeping you waiting." Izumi laughed nervously.

"No, it's alright. I reached here only 10 minutes ago ." He dismissed the matter with a wave.

"Oh. " Izumi nodded and took the seat beside Minho. "So, did you find any similarities in the case?"

"Not really except the fact that they all were roughly the same age. " Minho sighed. "If seonghwa would have been alive ,he would have been the same age as well."

"That's the only thing I could find as well. The post mortem results for all four of the victims are same, getting stabbed in the abdomen, there was initial struggle as well .." Izumi shaked her head. "But there was no DNA or skin found in the victim's nail which probably means that the culprit was fully covered."

"Which explains the the person we saw on CCTV." Minho added.

Izumi groaned, how is this possible that there have been not a single CCTV recording that captured anything.

"By the way, if you are comfortable talking about it..I want to ask something." Minho said.

"Go ahead ."

"So, you mentioned that you were the crime scene witness in 2016? How did you ended up there?" Minho asked.

"Oh well, the victim that is park Seonghwa and the suspect , Hwang Hyunjin were both my friends and we were in the same high school." Izumi replied .

"Oh wow that must have been tough. I am proud of you for doing your best after all that trauma." Minho smiled.

Izumi would be lying if she says that Minho wasn't good looking, he was beautiful. The kind of beautiful that makes you want to treasure him and getting praised by him did made her feel butterflies in her stomach but she was quick to brush it off.

"Uh-i-umm thank you."

Soon after that the duo started looking through the call list and locations of Felix and Hongjoong. The amount of information they had to go through was enormous. They worked through the endless papers for hours , Chan visited them once for giving them a cup of coffee each to recharge themselves.

"Ugh I can't find anything!" Izumi groaned.

"I am gonna kill the killer." Minho gritted his teeth.

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