Chapter 23

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" I killed them all."

Just three words can sometimes destroy people's lives just like it can make someone's life. It depends on if the three words are 'I love you', 'I am sorry' or 'I killed someone'. For Seungmin and Izumi , three words were used to tear them apart.

Amongst the stun silence , the siren of the ambulance forced them to come out of the trance, they couldn't risk Jeongin's safety. Changbin and Yeonjun rushed Jeongin out in a stretcher and accompanied him to the hospital and although it was only for a split second, Chan saw the guilt on Seungmin's face.

" Miss Kyunghee if you please excuse them.." Chan asked the women who nodded and went out of the house with her daughter and Chan , he had some questions to ask her .

"You are lying..." Izumi pulled Seungmin up from the floor and grabbed his collar. "TELL ME YOU ARE LYING!!"

"No. I had my reasons to kill them all."

Izumi let out a humourless chuckle, oh how desperately she hoped that it was a long nightmare which will be over soon and she will wake up .

"Seungmin...why?" Minho asked him, the adrenaline had left his body and he was exhausted. The pain finally straining his voice.

"For Hyunjin."

"what? you- are you- Seungmin what are you talking about?!" Izumi was still clutching his shirt as if he would disappear if she leaves him.

"I killed them so you can put Hyunjin out of the jail." Seungmin replied, he didn't look like he bothered to protect himself.

"What?" Minho was in disbelief.

" I killed Park Seonghwa but they arrested Hyunjin so I had to kill all these people for police to know that it wasn't him."

"Or you could have just confessed that it was you when Hyunjin was arrested." Minho said .

"I was a coward. I let that happen and it ate me up from inside everyday and that's why-"

"Why did you kill Seonghwa?" Izumi asked , staring right back at Seungmin. The little bit of sympathy that Izumi felt disappeared when she heard him utter seonghwa's name.

Seonghwa was her first friend in Seoul. The one via whom she met both Hyunjin and Seungmin and although it may not seem like it but he was a huge part of her life.

He was the sweetest person out there, never getting into arguments, always helping others . He was kind and wonderful to be around with, Izumi had grieved for him throughout the years after he left and she had made a promise to give him the justice he deserved.

"I loved Hyunjin and-"

"And Seonghwa was dating him. Is that why?" Izumi cut him off and scoffed, a stark contrast from the tears clouding her vision. She almost looked crazy at this point.

"Yeah." Seungmin said after a pause .

"So, you did that to hwa then you proceeded to kill four more people instead of surrendering??"

Seungmin nodded.

"What about soobin?"

"We got into a fight . "

"That's it?" Izumi was bewildered.


"Seungmin...just don't ever say that you did this all for Hyunjin. " Izumi pushed him away. "Hyunjin will prefer dying than knowing that you, his best friend, killed so many people for him. If you ever knew him, you would have realised that Hyunjin wouldn't want freedom this way."

Seungmin kept quiet as Izumi kept talking.

"You know right? That so many of your students looked up to you?? Jeongin looked up to you! I did. I trusted you so much. EVEN WHEN CHAN TOLD ME YOU WERE A SUSPECT, I KEPT DENYING IT!! EVEN WHEN WE FOUND OUT INNIE WAS WITH YOU I TRIED TO MAKE UP EXCUSES FOR YOU!"

"Did I ask you to do it!?" Seungmin raised his voice, looking back at her.

"No you didn't." It was a long silence before Izumi spoke up again. "But that's what friends are for. They are supposed to trust you. Did you never considered me your...friend? What about the 'i love you's?' "

It was a lie if Izumi said that she wasn't disgusted with the deeds that seungmin confessed to. She was angry and betrayed but a small part of her wished that in the last eight years they had spent as friends..rather as bestfriends, pulling each other up, assuring each other and believing in each other.. maybe some of it was genuine.

Maybe at one point Seungmin actually thought of her as a friend rather than a way to save Hyunjin. Wasn't she worth atleast some genuineness? Afterall she had given her best to this one particular relationship in her life .

"Not really if I am being honest." Seungmin looked away.

Minho was stunned. He couldn't even bear to think about what Izumi felt at that moment.

"Oh.." Izumi Looked at her shoes, trying her best to stop her tears. " are under arrest. You can choose to remain silent and contact your lawyer."

"What?" Seungmin asked unable to process.

Izumi walked up to him and put on the handcuffs.
"You are successful in your motive so, there's only one thing to do ; arrest you."

Chan entered the house at that moment and was shocked to see that Seungmin was already in handcuffs . He glanced at Izumi and she looked far from okay . He exchanged a look with Minho and immediately knew that it would be the best to leave right now.

"Kim Seungmin." Chan motioned at the boy who quietly followed him out of the house to the police van. A few other officers were already there for safety reasons.

As the house fell in silence and they heard the police van leave, Minho quietly went towards Izumi who was still stuck in that exact place, not saying anything .

Minho pulled her into a hug and caressed her head as Izumi clutched his shirt, trying to stop herself from breaking down further. It pained his heart so much to see her like this .

"Izumi.." he called her but she didn't respond , her body losing all the strength and fell limp.

"Izumi??" Minho shaked her , panic laced his voice as he realised that Izumi wasn't responding at all and had fainted .


The End

Lmao kidding. But ngl I teared up writing this piece of shit ...but idk it seems so bad omg-

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