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Rebecca and Sophie stared at me for a moment. Then...



"Change the plot then!"

"How are we going to get back?"

"A sketchbook?!"

"Will you all be quiet, please?" Loki snapped, arms folded and glaring at us. We swiftly shut up.

"Sorry," Sophie said in a small voice. "But-"

"But nothing," Loki interrupted. "King Odin will see you. I'll take you to him." He walked off, green cape flowing over his shoulders. His arms tensed when he realised we weren't following.

"Loki," I said slowly, "explain."

"We're not going anywhere until you tell us the truth," Rebecca added. 

"You've changed your story too many times," I continued coldly. "So I think it's about time you were honest with us, Loki bloody Laufeyson. Who are we?"

"You are Georgina, goddess of deceit," Loki said, pointing at me. "You are Rebecca, goddess of war." He twisted his wrist so that his hand was pointing at the dark haired, bespectactled girl. "And you are Sophie, goddess of animatronics."

"Woah woah woah," I said, holding up a hand. "You said she was goddess of all animals."

"Yes, I did," Loki said. "I got it wrong."


"Thank you. Can we go and see his highness now?"

"Nope," Sophie said, stepping in front of Loki and blocking his way. "We need more information than that!"

"Okay!" Loki shouted, whirling around and sitting on a stone bench. When we were sucked through my sketchbook and into a battle with the 5 Nights at Freddy's animatronics we landed in the middle of a grassed area that I now recognised as a park. It was also in Asgard.

"Okay," he repeated grumpily. "I'll explain."

Wait! I don't know if you've just joined our troop or not, do I? Well, my name is Georgina. I'm twelve years old - nearly thirteen! - and English with the peculiar ability to change my accent. I'm around five foot five, I have brown-blonde hair (or is it gingery?), freckles, colour changing eyes that alternate between blue, grey and green, a 'heart shaped' face, broad shoulders and braces. Usually I'm wearing a leather jacket, random T-Shirt and denim jeans. Currently I'm wearing my school uniform - navy blazer, navy trouser, pale blue shirt - but that'll soon be gone. I'm goddess of deceit, the only clue as to when I'm tricking people is that my eyes glow gold.

Rebecca is shorter than me - who isn't? - with short, dark brown hair, dark brown eyes and glasses. She's a slender build with a slightly pointed face and wide eyes. She's normally either smiling or scowling. She's also pretty terrifying. That's why she's goddess of war, able to create flaming armour and weapons out of anything. 

The final member of our trio is Sophie. She's human - I think - with brown hair, dark blue eyes, braces and a round face. She's almost constantly smiling and she's taller than me. Sophie is probably the most insane out of us but comes across as the most normal; don't ask how that works, appearences are decieving. She's the goddess of animatronics, huge animal-human robots that can be anything. Her power is to create them and control them.

We also used to have two other members of our Super Glitches group. Lotte and Amalia, both left behind in Midgard (that's Earth to you). Lotte had the exact change in her pocket but all in foreign or historical money and Amalia could turn into any animal smaller than a wallaby. In my fictional book Amalia got killed (whoops) but I didn't get to finish it due to our idiotic bus driver and school starting. 

Super Glitches 2: The Cursed OnesWhere stories live. Discover now