Chapter 16

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So um WE ARE 7K!! OMG THANK YOU SO MUCH❤️ I really appreciate all the support and all the comments, votes, reads. I love you guys so much. Please take care of yourself and stay happy, be happy. You are loved and you deserve everything❤️.

I just wanted to say that I really can't thank you guys enough for this. Never have I dreamed of this book getting 7k reads. Tysm❤️


It was a rainy afternoon. Hermione was casually scrolling through the walls of Hogwarts. She loved rain. She loved its sound and how she could just sit there, in front of a fireplace, probably in the common room or at the library and read one of her favourite books. She admired how the droplets hit the windows with a gentle sound and how the clouds got closer to each other to pour water from the sky.

That day was the day she was looking for. She had a tough week and it was finally friday. She could just stay up as late as she wanted and read books.

She made her way to the library, waving at the younger witches and wizards on the way and smiling brightly at them. All of then looked up to her. She was brave and intelligent but most importantly one of the kindest people they have ever seen and were proud to call an older sister.

When she reached the library she saw Harry and Ginny sat on a corner whispering to each other occasionally and studying. With a little wave to them, she made her way to the west where she knew she could find a great book.

Without even bothering to look she grabbed a book she would read a million times but never get bored of. 'Hogwarts A History'

It wasn't until later she heard a few noises when she was about to enter her common room she shared with Draco. She looked around her to see nothing. She thought it was probably the wind opening a door or some portraits talking to each other. So she didn't pay attention to them, entering the common room by saying the password.

She passed the common room seeing Draco was nowhere to be seen. Maybe he was around? Or he was taking a walk? She wondered to herself where he could have been. He would usually be at their common room by at most 5pm on firdays.  She decided to just shake it off and went to her room.


"Mione? Wake up, Hermione." She heard a gentle voice while she was being gently shaken by a soft hand to her shoulder. She opened her eyes to meet the cold grey ones that she knew belonged to a certain blond. "Oh, sorry I must have slept in while reading a book. Did you need something?" She asked, trying not to sound so tired.

His eyes drifted off from hers to travel her face to her hand and took one of hers gently in his. Hermione was shocked from the gesture but wasn't pulling her hand off as she knew he was different and wasn't going to hurt her. He looked back at her eyes and just shook his head. "I just came to the common room and called but you didn't answer. Just wanted to check up on you." he answered quietly.

She was absolutely mesmerised by how her new friend became so soft in the past few weeks to her. He was really willing to change and start a new life, then she would help him.

She smiled brightly at him but he seemed to notice how tired she was so gently motioned for her to lay properly down on her bed.

She was so tired to think properly before she pulled on his arm to lay with her. He resisted a bit saying she was too sleep deprived to notice what she was doing but when she insisted, he gave in and laid with her.

It was peaceful. For once she could just forget about everything and focus on sleep and on the boy laying right beside her.

Oh yeah, a smooth chapter from the past. Hope you enjoyed! <3

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