Chapter 19

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i guess i need to update. well you see, ive got 6 igcses and an as rn🥱
im alive tho👽
I saw ur comments they rlly made me happy:)
i got to write this chapter as an excuse not to study for my bio igcse on tuesday
anyways here's the chapter

oh and my friend found my wattpad🔪


Hermione looked absolutely stunning in that red dress, her usually messy hair was flowing down in perfect waves. As his voice echoed into her room from the door, she looked at herself from the mirror once again, actually admiring herself for the very first time in a while.

Her cheeks were still dusted a bit of crimson matching her dress. "You don't look so bad yourself." she replied as she turned back to look at him with the brightest eyes he has ever seen. For him they were by far the most beautiful eyes in the whole world, yet he still couldn't get himself to admit that to her. He wished that maybe one day he could.

Instead of replying, he stood there blushing hard visibly which made Hermione chuckle at how she made him blush by just complimenting his appearance. Honestly, she found it pretty cute. Has he always been this cute? The petty, fierce boy she always knew, has he always been like this and she didn't notice? Maybe that was her obliviousness, or maybe he changed.

She recalled the day she found him in the library, past the curfew. He had the same look on his face as right now. However, back then he was sleeping peacefully instead of standing in the doorway, looking beyond innocent.

"I assume you're ready to go?" he questioned after finally getting rid of the blush on his pale face. "Yeah, just let me get my bag and we're good to go!" her answer made him smile and turn his back due to embarrassment. "R-Right, I'll be waiting by the door then." he said and dashed to the apartment door with a hand over his lower face.

She just stood there for a solid 5 seconds and tried to hold back a little giggle. She got her back and put her wand in it, just in case someone would decide to cause a problem.

She skipped through the hall to the entrance door so they could get on their way. All the guests were supposed to arrive by a car or a taxi. As they both had a car due to being familiar with the muggle world now.

Draco opened the passenger door for her to get in that made her smile at his gentle gesture. He then got into the driver's seat and they were set on their short trip to the party which was only about a 15 minute drive.


He doesn't know how she can just pass out anywhere she goes. She was sleeping so peacefully, resting her head against the window. Not only was she sleeping but also she fell a sleep on only about 5 minutes into the drive. How is that even possible?

He was almost feeling bad for waking her up because she looked absolutely comfy and happy sleeping like that. But once they came, they just couldn't go back now. So he did the most sensible thing and shook her shoulder just so slightly, enough to wake her up.

She slowly opened her eyes and looked up at him, so confused. Then it clicked. They were supposed to be in a party. "Sorry! I don't know how that happened!" she apologised genuinely. He shook his head and smiled slightly saying it's no problem.

He gently grabbed her hand that made her let out a little gasp at the sudden feeling but immediately recovered from the little shock. Both of them blushed at the contact and started walking towards the entrance.

They stopped walking when they noticed a blond girl dressed in all navy blue dress - which fitted her really well, waving at their direction.

To be continued...

Did I stop at a terrible cliffhanger? 😬
Until next time luvs<3

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: May 15, 2022 ⏰

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