Chapter 11

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After apparating safely to the ministry Draco and Harry went to the Auror office. Meanwhile, Hermione and Theo went to Hermione's office as the Ministress of Magic and Blaise went to the department of Muggle studies.

"Well, Theo this will be your little office. Just in front of mind so both of us will be all right." Hermione said.

"Hmmm... Okay," Theo said with a little hesitation.

"Are you okay, Theo? Did I say something wrong?"

"No no no, don't worry. Just remembered something..." He said laughing nervously at the memory of last night.


"Now, this will be the first and the last time I'm warning you, Nott. You'll make sure your sight will be directly to her office. If not, go and work on her table! Understand?" Draco said throwing his index finger to Theo's chest.

"Yes sir!" Theo said teasingly just to earn a glare from Draco. That's when his expressions turned serious. "Mate, you're worrying too much. Everything will be fine. Don't worry," he reassured his best friend, putting a hand to Draco's shoulder " I promise if something hap-" before even he could finish Draco stopped him.

"No! Don't you dare to say something like that. Nothing will happen. Do you hear me?! NOTHING!" he said shrugging from Theo's hand on his shoulder.

"Alright. Mate, just calm down. I promise nothing will happen."

"You'd better. Or else..." Draco said and relaxed a bit. "Sorry... Shouldn't have shouted at you. I just- just couldn't control myself."

"It's alright, mate. Don't worry about it." Theo's said with a comforting, bright smile over his face. Draco smiled back at him.


Theo snapped back to reality by Hermione calling his name and waving her hand in front of him. "Huh? Oh yes. Yeah... I'll be right here, OK." He said.

"OK... If you need anything I'll be right here." Hermione said and went into her office.


At lunch time Hermione heard a knock in her door. She looked up from her paperwork just to see Draco hanging on the doorframe. "Who let you in, may I ask Mr Malfoy?" she asked teasingly.

"Your new secretary, may I say Miss Granger," he answered smirking "if you'd like to, I wanted to take you to lunch." he asked coming inside and sitting on the armchair in front of her desk.

"Hmm, let me think," Hermione played and then answered willingly. "I guess you may, Mr Malfoy."

"Perfect, let's go then." Draco said and stood up from the armchair he was sitting then walked behind her desk. He took her hand and before she could protest he try to apparate. Though, he forgot the protection charms.

"You thought you can get me that easily, huh, Malfoy?" Hermione asked smirking.

"Ugh. Fine let's go outside then apparate."

"Sounds great to me."


When they arrived at a Muggle restaurant, Draco being the gentleman pulled the chair for Hermione as she sat down thanking him. After a few minutes a waiter came and gave them a menu.

"Whatcha gonna eat?" Draco asked casually.

"Don't know, maybe sushi, I really like it, did I mention?" Hermione answered.

"You did," he said with a little laugh. "Maybe it's the time I should try it too."

"Perfect. You'll love it." She exclaimed.

Then the waiter came over, and smiled at Hermione. "What can I get for the young lady?" he asked, trying to flirt with her. Of course this didn't go unnoticed by Draco.

"Two sushi menus, please." He said waiting for him to shove off already. However, the man remained still.

"And dessert? I warn you that they can be so sweet but of course not as sweet as you, Madame." The waiter said.

Draco's eyebrows rushed upwards with the waiter's words. Hermione's expressions turned from calm to annoyed suddenly.

"I might tell you that a person can't be sweet at all, well scientifically at least. Besides if you ever-" she started but cut herself with a deep breath. When she finally felt like talking again this time she was stopped by Draco.

"What she's trying to say is, 'you wouldn't dare to flirt with a girl near her boyfriend, would you?'" he said and waiter gulped. "What are you still waiting for, may I ask. I think you shouldn't make us wait any longer." He said rather calmly as the waiter went away.

"Well, thanks," Hermione said smiling at him.



They ate their lunch 'peacefully' and Draco decided to drop Hermione to ministry.

"Thanks for the lunch Draco, I had fun," she said smiling brightly to him.

"Anytime," he said staring at her shiny eyes, the only thing Hermione didn't know was that the smile on her face made Draco's day.
"I'll see you at 5," he continued. When he couldn't handle his urge to kiss her he gave up. He bent over and kissed her cheek putting a hand on her small back. Hermione on the other hand felt lots of butterflies in her stomach.

With a last smile and a wave Draco walked away not aware of what he left behind - a blushing Hermione - and apparated.

Hermione didn't notice she was still staring at where Draco was a few minutes ago when Theo came behind her and started calling her name repeatedly.

"Huh? Oh, sorry Theo."

"You alright?"

"Yeah, just... daydreaming, that's all."

"If you say so," he said and the two of them made their way to her office.

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