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"Are you going out?" asked Ellie

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"Are you going out?" asked Ellie. She was plopped down on a couch, a book in hand.

"I'll leave if five minutes" answer her brother, "I can give you a ride-"

"I'll be ready in four" she smiled and ran towards her bedroom.

Every day she regretted not passing the driving test, but she had tried. When she turned sixteen, the first thing she did was to go and take the test.

She failed.

Now, almost four years after that, she hasn't managed to get it. Usually, she would go to the University on bus, but whenever Howard offered her a ride, she accepted it with a huge smile on her face.

After exactly four minutes, Ellie was standing in the doorway, her light blue dress matching her earrings and necklace. She was also wearing heels, and a white bag was hanging from her left arm.

"It was actually four minutes," said her brother, who came out of the kitchen with two sandwiches in hand, handing one to Ellie.

"Of course, actually" she responded, taking a bite of the sandwich.

It was nine o'clock, and her classes wouldn't start for another two hours, but when she finally got there and thanked her brother, she walked towards the cafeteria.

There she found a redhead with her fist on the table, next to her was a tall boy, smiling mockingly, and next to him, a raven-haired boy with glasses sat, intently reading his notes.

"You've got to be kidding me" Ellie heard the redhead said, "I told you to get it"

"But I didn't" responded the tall boy, "hey, Ellie" he added when noticing the brunette.

The boy with glasses immediately lifted his head and smiled when seeing the young Stark.

"Ellie!" the redhead, Laura, stood up and brought her in a hug. She was in her final year in the same University as Ellie, but her major was law.

She was going to be an amazing lawyer, Eleanor was sure, because Lori could be very scary when she wanted to, and Ellie had never met a lawyer that didn't look scary.

"What are you guys fighting about now?" she asked as she and Lori took a seat next to each other.

Thomas, the guy with glasses, muttered a hey and Ellie smiled back at him, saying hi back.

"Well," Laura said, glancing a look at Alexander, the tall smirking boy, "no mind that now"

Alex smiled more and gave Lori a kiss on the cheek, "I knew you'll forgive me"

Lori narrowed her eyes and Alex took a sharp breath, "you're scary" he mumbled. He had just turned 25, but he still radiated the energy of a teenager.

Trouble  ✧  Bucky BarnesWhere stories live. Discover now