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The first day of Ellie's new job came around, and she woke up excitedly

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The first day of Ellie's new job came around, and she woke up excitedly. Alex and her had agreed he would pick her up, seeing as he also got accepted in said job, and they would drive towards the military base.

And so they did. Alex was singing a song Ellie had heard a couple of times, but she kept fidgeting with her the hem of her sleeves, nervously looking around.

"It'll be okay," smiled Alex.

"I know" responded Ellie, "aren't you nervous?"

"I am" he nodded, "when I'm nervous, I sing"

"Right, I forgot you did" chuckled Ellie and Alex kept singing all the way to the military base.

It looked just like she remembered from the last time she went there.

Big, filled with cars and two floored buildings. Several soldiers were training near them, too.

Following the instructions they got in their letters, they walked towards what they thought was the reception building.

It was not.

They search for perhaps 30 minutes, both of them too stubborn or proud to ask anyone around for help. Ellie thought it was a good call they got there an hour before, and thanked Alex's precaution.

When they finally found it, they shared a gleeful look and then became serious.

It was a military base, after all, and they had come to the conclusion that perhaps being all giddy and smiley was not the way things worked here.

They arrived a bit early, and two more guys, Ellie supposed were engineers, joined them. The two men were stern looking, though one looked as afraid as Ellie was.

They got a tour of the place with several people from the Engineer and Development of Aircraft Department.

Ellie took mental notes to remember where everything was, not wanting to get lost again, although she knew very well she would.

Her sense of direction in land was awfully terrible.

In the air, though, she could never get lost.

The group chatted a bit, exchanging information about each other. The rest of the new ones of the crew seemed nice enough, Ellie thought.

They didn't ask personal questions, and knew when to change the subject.

Ellie appreciated that, she loathed noisiness.

They all got their work plans as well, and Ellie felt her excitement drop a bit. She wanted to, right away, design planes. She knew she was capable. More than capable, really.

Alex noticed her confused expression and murmured, "they have to be sure we know the basics"

"We do" said Ellie as if it was the obvious thing.

"Its protocol" said one of the other boys, Marcus, smiling kindly "they have to be sure"

Ellie nodded and started reading the papers she got. She had to check for failures in multiple plane blueprints, and though she liked doing that, she felt as if she could do so much more.

And months passed of just that.

Checking fucking blueprints.

Ellie didn't feel exhausted, perhaps because of all the coffee she drank on a daily basis, but it became a task she hated to do.

She would stay all night on the military base, even pull all-nighters, just to finish checking the blueprints in hopes the higher rank members of the crew gave her something much more interesting than that.

But when Ellie handed in the corrected blueprints, one more stack was handed to her.

She needed air and headed for the roof of one of the buildings, the building her crew used.

The base was weirdly quiet, and seeing it was almost two in the morning, it didn't bother her. From where she was, she could see the soldiers standing guard at the gates and some other parts of the base, and that gave her some kind of relief.

Not that they could face any kind of trouble in this place, but still.

The roof became a place she visited often, just to relax and sometimes watch the stars.

One day she had forgotten her lucky cup - it belonged to her mother and Ellie had kept it after her death - on the rooftop.

It was pretty early on the morning when she got it back, and when she lifted her gaze from her beloved cup and looked at the base, she was meet with eyes blue as the ocean, a grin, and a wave.

She ignored it and went back to work.

That day, after an exhausting day at work, and not wanting to come back home because morning would probably come in three hours, she went to the rooftop.

Her little and tired smile disappeared when she noticed someone already there, and it looked like he was waiting for her.

"I thought you wouldn't come up," he smiled.

"Who are you?" she asked not kindly at all, "and what are you doing here?"

"Well, everyone can be up here," he grinned.

"Not you" she said, "I mean, not the soldiers, you guys can't be hanging out in rooftops for all I know"

"And what you know is correct" the boy replied, "but I thought, what a nice night would it be to spend it with you"

Ellie laughed, for real, "don't tell me those lines work for you?"

"They do"

"I can not possibly believe you" she smiled but hid it before it could be noticeable, "what are you doing here?" she asked again.

"I told you I would see you soon" he said and Ellie narrowed her eyes, trying to remember.

When she did, she took an exasperated breath.

"At least your shoes look alright" he grinned yet again and Ellie pursed her lips.

She left after a second, her coffee now cold and her day most definitely ruined by that grinning boy with blue eyes.

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