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Nothing in the way James acted seemed different to Ellie, which made her feel

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Nothing in the way James acted seemed different to Ellie, which made her feel... Disappointed?

A week had passed since, well, the incident, and everything was normal.

Ellie had liked normal for so much time, it bothered her that now it felt, well, it felt like not enough.

"What are you thinking about?" asked James, who was seated next to her on the rooftop. He had her dark red scarf around his hands, and he was wrapping and unwrapping it.

"Nothing of importance" she said, fidgeting with her sleeves.

"I'm sure if you're thinking about it, it's important," he said.

Ellie's heart did a little flip at his words, "maybe it is'' she said and then looked at James, who was grinning more than he used to, "what happened?" she asked.

"Nothing of importance" he said and Ellie pursed her lips.

"Fair enough," she said and he laughed.

"It's just, I've been promoted," he said, his chest puffing and chin high.

Ellie was not a hug person, she felt incredibly uncomfortable with any kind of display of affection. She just wasn't used to it.

But without thinking, she wrapped James in a hug, "that's amazing!"

He hugged her too and, noticing this, she pulled apart a couple of seconds later, and cleared her throat, "it really is amazing, James"

His smile faltered but then it was back, "yeah" he nodded.

"So, is it Sergeant Barnes now?" Ellie asked with a grin and this time, James' heart did a little flip at her words.

He coughed and stood up quickly, "yeah, that's about right, yeah", he gulped and paced around.

"Everything's okay?" Ellie asked, standing up as well.

"Yeah, maybe lunch didn't suit me," he said nonchalantly.

But he knew that if Ellie felt his pulse, and if she knew how fast his heart was beating... Well, he wouldn't sound so unbothered.

"Do you want me to call a doctor or...?"

"NO!" he said, took a breath and then grinned, "it's alright Laney, do not worry"

"You look like you just ran a marathon" said Ellie, taking a step closer, "you sure you are okay?"

"Never been better" he said and sat again.

"Fine," she said reluctantly and sat next to him, "so now that you are a sergeant, I guess you can go out more freely?"

Had he thought about that, hadn't he? He had definitely thought about that... There was a thing he was going to ask her... But with his pulse going so fast, James couldn't concentrate.

"Yes" he said and Ellie nodded.

She looked at her watch and took a breath, "I have to get going" she said as she stood up, he did the same, "group meeting and all"

"Yeah, I know" he smiled, "good luck, Ellie"

"Thanks, Sergeant Barnes" was the last thing she said before disappearing down the stairs.

James stayed still, his palms sweating, his cheeks red and a stupid smile plastered on his face.

What the heck was happening to him?

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