13th Chapter

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" Derviş Paşa has been senteced on death penalty this morning." Haci Aga said as everyone gathered in Harem.

Derviş was punished due to his secret relationship with Handan. Honestly, I would never except Ahmed would kill him. I thought he would only banish him and take his title, at the end, Derviş was his Grand Vizier and right hand.

Everyone stayed shocked. I just took a deep breath and turned to Handan who couldn't even breath from shock at this moment. She only looked at me angrily and became very pale. Concubines took her at the right moment before she fainted.

Only one who seemed happy about this was Halime Sultana who never liked Derviş Paşa. She was afraid if he would affect on Sultan's decision on her son Mustafa.

" Poor Paşa, I am sure you have your hands in this, the same way you did something to Kosem." Mahfiruz came from my back and fake smiled.

I couldn't stand this woman anymore, but what saved me was that no one has any proof I have done anything to Kosem. I felt safe, but just for now.

" I have done nothing with this, Paşa himself is main reason for his death." I said not caring for her words anymore. Mahfiruz had zero influence in this Palace and I knew she couldn't do anything bad to me.

" You started playing evil game, Mahnaz. You shouldn't even wish to become my enemy, because I am mother to heir to the throne. You shouldn't forget that." Mahfiruz said and raised her head. I could see Halime Sultana is measuring us for the whole time and happily listening our conversation.

" I think you forgot I have two sons while you have only one. And maybe you forgot on rule of fracticide which Sultan doesn't want to use anymore, so if we will listen to it then Şehzade Mustafa is heir to the throne." I said on purpose to get Halime's attention as I didn't need any bad relationship with that woman. She was influential even though she was hiding everything, she was the woman I should be most afraid of.

I could see Handan looking at me and nodding at me with a proud smile on her face, while Mahfiruz looked at me disappointed

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I could see Handan looking at me and nodding at me with a proud smile on her face, while Mahfiruz looked at me disappointed.

Mahfiruz walked away to her chambers and at that moment Halime walked closer to me so we walked to the edge of Harem, making sure no one could listen to us.

" You are one of most ambitious woman that came to this Harem. You know how to play your game." Halime said to me with a smile.

" This is the only way to survive in this Palace, Sultana." I said and returned her a smile.

" I hope your words about my Mustafa are true, I hope you don't have on your mind something against him." Halime said as her smile disappeared slowly.

" I have no bad intentions, Sultana. There is no that rule anymore, and we will listen and support it. If it's going by the age of Şehzades, of course Şehzade Mustafa is heir to the throne. I would never even think of something bad, he is just a child. And I am mother like you and I can understand you the best." I said and took her hands into mine making her feel a bit more easy.

" Let it stay like this, each day I wake up with fear for his life." Halime said and I could see sadness in her eyes.

" There is nothing you have to be afraid now. Sultan loves his brother and he would never do something like that to him." I said and walked away from her.

While I was going to my chambers, Bulbul Agha stopped me and whispered in my ears that a man named Murad Paşa wants to see me.

I walked to the male part of Harem where I maybe wasn't supposed to be, but I wondered what he wants from me.

" Sultana, it's my pleasure I have the chance to meet you. Everyone is talking about intelligent wife of Sultan Ahmed." Murad Paşa, elder Paşa which arrived to Istanbul after death of Derviş, said to me.

" I also heard a lot about you, you are said to be one of the best warriors." I said and returned my smile as apperication. I knew he wants some kind of coallition in Harem and there was no one to do it, if not with me.

" Let's go to the things directly, I wanted to give you an offer." Murad Paşa said to me. I just nodded to him as affirmative sign.

" Your ex fiance Giorgio was captured by my men, they said he was trying to get into the Palace. He wanted to search for you." Murad Paşa said and I already felt nervous at that mention because already too many people knew for this. I killed Kosem because she knew for this and I can't do the same for Murad Paşa.

" What do you want from me to make you silent and get rid off Giorgio?" I asked him directly. I couldn’t make even more enemies now.

" You will talk with Sultan that I should be the new Grand Vizier. That place can't have its ruler. And then we can make our alliance. I will be by your back and support you if you do the same to me." Murad Paşa said.

" You are intelligent man, Paşa. You came here to ask me for alliance and then threat me? Not many people would dare to do it." I said with a smirk on my face.

" You wouldn't accept that offer?" Paşa asked me seriously.

" I will accept it. But I expect from you to get rid of Giorgio. I can't have him in Istanbul here." I said to him seriously.

" Then that's the deal." Paşa said and left away.

I went inside my chambers and honestly I had no idea wheter I should believe Murad Paşa or not. He came to threat me and then to make alliance with me, but I could not have deny him. There was no way.

" Sultana, you seem pretty upset. What happened?" Aybige asked me worriedly while she held my lion cub Murad in her hands.

" One more person knows for Giorgio." I said and her and Kalika looked at them then at me worriedly.

"Sultana, who is that?" Kalika asked me.

" Murad Paşa." I said and sat on my sofa.

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