yandere female haunter x male abra reader

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M/n pov

"Better watch out for them haunters, they are getting more dangerous these days," my friend, gastly said. "Ok, thank you for telling me that," I said as I teleported away. I stayed next to Kadabras and Alakazams. We live in the mountains, as it's a nice place to meditate. I don't like haunters much. What I heard, they are dangerous  to be around. Gastly is my childhood friend. I would hang out with her when they let me take a break. "M/n, we are going to move away," one of the kadabras said. I didn't say anything. "You can go and say bye to your friends," one of the other kadabras said. I nodded.

Next day

I went to my usual spot to tell gastly the news. Its strange, she usually come at the same time. As I was waiting, i felt a nudge behind my back. I look behind me thinking gastly finally came. What I didn't expect is a haunter to show. I took 6 steps (levitate) back. "Hi m/n! I finally involved!" Gastly, or should I say haunter, said. I started to shake. "M/n? What's wrong?" Haunter ask, trying to get close to me. I step back more. "Why? Why did you have to involve? You know I don't like haunters!" I said with anger. She look at me in shock. "I forgot to mention, one of the kadabras told me, we are moving away," I said, hurt that my bestfriend is now a haunter. "What?! You can't move away!! I-I-I have feelings for you!" Haunter said with tears in her eyes. "Well we are moving, and you should've thought of that before you involve," I said bitterly. Haunter look at me with more tears in her eyes. I turn around. "Hope you find someone else. Good bye," I said. I was about to teleport away when I felt hands grad my waist. "Your not leaving me!! I won't allow it!!" Haunter shouted then licks me. I couldn't move a muscle. "I-I-I don't want you to go, n-no one can be as good as you. I only want you," she said crying. She bug me from behind. All of a sudden I feel sleepy. I was about to close my eyes until haunter said something that scared me. "Know one will find you where I'm taking you~"

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