yandere male nuzleaf x female seedot reader

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I'm with the other seedots. We are orphans, and we look out for each other. There are 23 of us. (I know, that's alot.) We stay by the trees that has lots of berries. We are also close to water. Some of us scout around to make sure there is know danger. "Hey seedot number 23, can you go and find some seeds?" Seedot number 14 ask. "Sure, what kind?" I ask. I'm the youngest out of all the seedots. "Revive seed is good. 8 of them would be great," number 14 said, going back to making a garden.

1 hour later

I only found 5 Revive seeds, just need 3 more and I'll go back. Snap I heard a stick break. I jump alittle and look at the direction of the noice. There is a nuzleaf looking at me, surprised. I turn around and ran away. "Hey wait!!" The nuzleaf called out. But I kept running. 'I need to warn the others' I thought to myself.

30 minutes later

"Guys!! guys!!" I yelled. They look at me suprise. "There is a nuzleaf in the forest!" I said while panicking. "What?! We have to move! Collect some berries and start moving, asap!!" Number 14 shouted. All the seedot ran around putting the things we need in there bag.

40 minutes later

"Alright everyone, let's go!" Number 14 said. We all ran the opposite side of where the nuzleaf is. Of course me being the youngest goes alittle slow. I tried to catch up, but they are fast. As they go further and further, I turn to hide in a big bush. I look in my bag, 4 berries and 2 Revive seeds. I put my bag down and sat down next to my bag. 'At least I'll be safe for now' I thought to myself. I lean against my bag and fell asleep.


I wake up to silence. The other seedots are probably looking for me right now. I got up, grab my bag, and peak out of the bush. Looking left and right to find no one around. I decided to walk the other way. I'm going back to the berrie tree to see if there are more.

1 hour later

I made it back to the berrie tree to find out that it's still the same. I walk towards the tree and try to shake it. The tree is heavy though. I decided to take a break. I feel eyes on me. I look around to find no one. I got scared. I got up, put my bag around me, and continue walking in a different direction.

I continue to walk until I got hungry. I sat down near a tree, dig into the bag, and eat some berries. Suddenly I feel eyes on me. I look around to find no one. I shrug and continue eating.

When I finished eating, I felt sleepy. I decided to sleep. I lean against the tree and close my eyes.

Nuzleaf pov

I finally found her. She is sleeping against the tree, how adorable. I carefully walk up to her, pick her up, and carry her to my house. Shame that the other seedot had to go. But now I finally have her. My little seedot, y/n.

yandere pokemon x pokemon reader oneshotWhere stories live. Discover now