part 28

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To my surprise the dorm was clean. Never knew they would actually clean it.

So with the manager, I planned that we're going to grill in the garden since the weather is perfect. As said I went shopping in the morning so I bought so much food for today.

The manager is currently setting up the grill and doing the other things while I'm setting the tables and everything. I don't know what the members are doing but they're inside.


"Lily! You came!" I opened the door and hugged her.
"Yes~! I missed you!"
"Did you really bring champa-"
"No. I'm saving your embarrassment." She laughed and came in to say hi to the members.

We talked for a really long time while the boys were grilling the food.


"Thank you so much for the delicious food!" Sunoo said and gave me a half hug.
"You all deserve it. Actually, you all deserve more. You worked so much these past months."
"Awwwww. We love you too, manager-nim"
We started laughing and decided to play games. "Okay let's play Uno first."
We played a lot of card games and had much fun talking and just spending time together.

"You all get ready for bed I'll clean everything." – "Are you sure you can do this alone?"
"Yes Oppa, don't worry."
Everyone went inside so I just started cleaning and dismantling everything. After cleaning everything I just sat down on the bench in the garden and enjoyed the sunset.
"Yes, Ni-ki?" He came to me, fell on me, and hugged me, "What's wrong?" I started stroking his hair.
"I'm tired." He whispered and made himself comfortable on me.
(A/n: sounds weird, I know but I hope you know what I mean. DON'T MISUNDERSTAND THAT PLEASE)

I just let him sleep on my shoulder while he was literally laying on me, and hugging me. I think we were sitting like that for about an hour 'cause the sun already was gone and a cold breeze started to blow.
I took out my phone and just looked through my Instagram feed.

"Here. It's getting cold." Jay came and put a blanket on me and Ni-ki. "Thank you."
He sat down next to me.
"What are you watching?"
"Look how pretty these girls are." I scrolled down and sighed in jealousy
"Shut up. You're prettier than them. You know in the morning we always see you without make-up? And you look so naturally pretty. Now, look at these girls, wearing probably tons of make-up just to look as pretty as you."
"Thank you. You're handsome too and I'm not the only one who thinks that way." I laughed quietly and smiled at him. He really helped me.
"Noona?" – "Ni-ki, do you want to go inside and sleep on your bed?"
"Mhm." He stood up still closed his eyes and took my hand so I can lead him. "Thank you again, Jay"

[The next morning]

I don't know why but Ni-ki is laying beside me and he is almost pushing me off the bed.
I thought I brought him to his bed yesterday.
"Ni-ki. Ni-kiiiiiii! Mr. Nishimura." I whispered and shook him a little bit. "What?" – "Good morning. Wake up it's already 9." I got off the bed and put my hair into a braid.
"Can I sleep a little bit longer?"
"Mmmmm, fine. Wake up when you're not tired anymore."
He deserves it. These days he really sacrificed his sleep for work. So I'm just letting him sleep, and it's Sunday so,,,

I got ready and went to the kitchen to make some toast and breakfast.
I'll make pancakes today.

"Wow! It smells so good!" Jungwon came into the kitchen

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"Wow! It smells so good!" Jungwon came into the kitchen.
"Good morning!"
I gave him the plate I took as the model for today's picture. "Sunoo is coming too," I said okay and made more.
For Sunoo I extra put mint chocolate on it. For Jake, I put some chocolate chips on it, and for Sunghoon the same.
Heeseung isn't up yet just like Ni-ki.

Two to three hours later Heeseung and Ni-ki got up. Perfect on time.
"Hello, guys. If you want some pancakes, they're in the fridge but if you want to wait I'm making lunch right now, so it's up to you." I just said and gave Ni-ki his glass of water he asked for earlier.
"Noona, sorry but I was scared last night so I just came into your bed yesterday night."
"It's okay, I didn't realize it until today morning." I laughed.


"Oh right, when are you going to make the other apartment official yours?" – "Tomorrow is the 21st, right? And on the 22nd I'm making it mine."
"HAHAHA, you're making it yours. Sounds weird." Heeseung laughed and ate the pancakes.

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