part 42

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I can hear my phone ringing. But I can't move my body. I slowly got up and reached for my phone. Ouch, I have a headache. It's so hot in here. And I can't move my body well.
"Hello, mama." I laid down again.
"Oh my god! What is wrong with you? Are you sick?"
"I think so. Mom can I call you later? I'm not feeling well right now."
"Of course! Go see a doctor! Ask the members and take care of you!"
"I will. Thank you, Mama!" I hung up and closed my eyes again.
Am I having a fever?
Letting my body rest. Jay and Sunoo came into the room.
"I know, and then we didn't talk for one or two weeks" – "But it was- oh you're awake."
"But my soul isn't," I answered Jay's question.
"What why? Are you feeling worse?" He came closer. "Oh my God, y/n! You have such a high fever! Wait a second." He ran out of the room and got back with a Fever monitor. Measuring my fever Sunoo quickly brought the manager.
"What is wrong?" – "She has a very high fever." Jay said and showed him the monitor.

"Can you take her home?"
"Of course!" Jay got up again and carried me. "I can walk."
"Are you sure?" – "Yes." He let me down again and as soon as I got on my feet I fell.
"See!" He carried me again and took me to his car.

Arriving at the dorm he took me to my room and opened the window. "You shouldn't cover yourself that much." – "I know."
"Doesn't seem like that," Jay said and showed at my clothes "it's a hoodie." He said and got to my closet. "Wear this." He took out one of my pajamas. Wow. He even knows what fits with a yellow shirt.
He got out of my room and I changed my clothes.
"Are you finished?" – "Mhm."
He came in again and put a wet towel on my forehead. "For the next few hours, you need to rest. I brought some medicine. Take care, okay?"
"Okay. Thank you."
"Always for you." He went out of my room and I think he went back to the company.

As he said I rested a while and fell asleep.


3rd Person pov

"And one, two, thr- Jay quickly get in line!" – "Sorry!" He quickly got into his position and they started dancing again.
'when will this end' he thought having y/n in his mind. 'I shouldn't have let her home alone. What if she collapses? Or doesn't rest? Her health is the most important thing to me and the members.' he thought.
"Jay! Focus!"


"Okay, that's it for today! See y'all tomorrow! Have a nice eve!" The dance instructor said and everyone grabbed their bottle the manager was throwing.
"You can shower or rest right now, I don't know. At 9 we're leaving."
"Okay!" Everyone said and some went showering and some changed their clothes.
"Hey, what happened to y/n earlier?" Jake came to Jay. "Oh, she had a high fever so I took her home and took care of her."
"Oh shit," Jake whispered. "Why?"
"I threw her in the pool yesterday and that's why she got sick. She was staying in her wet clothes for a long time".
"That could be the cause of her cold but that doesn't mean she has a fever. It isn't your fault, Jake. Don't worry. Her fever could have been another cause. You know?" Both knew what Jay was talking about.
"But a fever is some part of cold isn't it?" Jake asked still drying his hair.
"Well, yeah but it was a very high fever. She could have the flu too. Don't worry too much we're heading home soon then you can see her." Jay said and tapped Jake's shoulder. Jake only sighed in stress and got ready to head home.


Coming back home they first drank something and took a rest first. It was a very hard day, they could admit.
Jake slowly went into y/n's room, seeing her peacefully sleep.
"Why are you so cute?" He whispered and sat on her desk chair. "Don't pull your eyebrows together you look more adorable." He said giggling quietly. Admiring her sleeping for a while he realized what he was doing. "You weirdo." He said and got up to leave.
"Get well soon y/n." He said and smiled.

"You were in there for a long time." – "Shut up." Jake answered Heeseung. "Yo Jake. Wanna eat ramens?" – "Are you kidding? Of course, I will, man." He smiled.


An hour later when everyone was sitting in the living room minding their own businesses. Y/n woke up.
"Ah, I feel dizzy." She said messaging her sides. She got out of bed and the first she did was to blow her nose. She then went to the room where the light was burning. The living room.
She peeked into the living room seeing Ni-ki and Heeseung play FIFA, Sunoo, Jungwon, and Jay playing Uno and Jake, and Sunghoon watching something on their phone.

"Oh! You're awake!" Sunoo said and showed his bright side. "How are you?" – "Are you feeling better?"
"Come sit down." Everyone started to talk to her. "Can you all wait a second?" – "Right."
"I won't sit with y'all. Maybe I'm going to infect you all. And how I'm feeling? A little bit dizzy and it's so hot here. I don't know." She said with a sore throat.
"Did you check your fever?" Jay asked. "Not yet. I'm hungry. And I have a headache so I might go eat now." She whispered while thinking and went to the kitchen. 'This headache won't stop' she thought and messaged her head again. After trying to make something to eat without losing balance she gave up since she couldn't make it. Sitting at the dining table a sigh left her mouth.

"Are you... okay?" Jake peeked into the kitchen. "Do I look okay?" Her nose was red and she couldn't even talk properly.
"Do you need something? Should I make you something to eat?"
"I don't know I can't think right now." Y/n lay her head on the table and sighed again.
Slowly Jake came closer to her and stroked her back. "Hey, everything will be okay. Do you want soup? The members and I will take care of you. Don't worry." Suddenly y/n started to sob and her nose got more stuffy. "I can't breathe" she joked and wiped off her tears. What made Jake laugh too.

Actually, she would now lay in her mom's bed and eat her mom's homemade favorite sick soup. It's the first time she is far away from home, without her mom on her side and being sick. That really made her cry.

"Wait, I watched your videos earlier where you cooked with your mom, and you made this one soup. You even said it's your favorite. Should I make it for you?"
"Ew. You watch my videos? This video is like months old. It's embarrassing." – "No it's not. I think you look cute in that video." Jake said and showed her the screenshots he made. "Why did you make screens?" – "'cause you look cute."
"Make screenshots of the recipe dummy." – "Okay I will. Now! Should I make you your soup?"
"If you fuck it up then I'll infect you."
"Anything for being sick with you." He said with a flirty smile on his face.
"Tzz" y/n laughed quiet "Just make the soup already. You have a schedule too for tomorrow you need energy so sleep early okay?"
"Don't worry" he looked at his phone "I'll be out of the kitchen at 11:30 and be sleeping at 12."
"Okay okay now please."
Jake got ready and put out all the ingredients he needs for the soup by following my video instead of asking me face to face.

"Jake got ready and put out all the ingredients he needs for the soup by following my video instead of asking me face to face

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A/n: Oh my god. This chapter has 1330 words... Anyways- Thank you guys so much for 10k views. I'm really speechless and I never expected this.
Thank you so much! Ly!!! <3

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