part 68

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It's been hours since we came back and now we were just chilling on the beach. Playing games, talking, and having fun like always.
Suddenly we got tired from laughing all the time so we got quiet.
It got colder throughout the time passed so I was about to get my jacket. "Where are you going?" Jake whispered taking my hand in secret. "I'm just getting my jacket. I'll be back." – "Let me come too." He got up too making me grin. "We'll be right back," I said getting nods from the others. Jay just laughed and leaned on one of the stones.

We walked to the cottage where I took my jacket and was about to leave again. But Jake was gone. "Jake! Where are you?" I screamed looking everywhere. "In the kitchen, dummy." He screamed back.
"What are you doing?" – "I don't want to go back." He said and sat on one of those kitchen island seats. I sat down across from him and looked at him. "What do you want to do then?" – "Hmmm," he thought making eye contact with me "I don't know." He shrugged his shoulders and leaned his head on the island. "Right! I wanted to talk to you about it," I said making him give me his attention again "you told it Jay."
"What did I tell him?" – "You know what I mean." – "No I don't." Jake obviously pretended like not to know anything. "Let's go. They must be waiting." I put on my jacket and went out.

I just started walking on the beach not waiting for him. After a few steps, I felt someone put their arm around my shoulders. I brushed it away and walked without him.
"Y/n," He held my hand and caused me to stop "are you mad at me?" I didn't look up at his face knowing I would fall harder.
He started laughing "So you want it that way? Okay." He let go of my hand and left a peck on my lips making me widen my eyes. "Are you stupid? Someone could see it." I whispered finally looking at his relaxed face. "So? Then they see it. Congrats to them." He said and took my hand again. "You're crazy." I shook my head. "No, I'm just showing my love to the girl I like. That's what you do when you like someone." Immediately my heart started beating faster.
My brain couldn't even work after that.

We went back to the others acting like nothing happened beside my heart. It was racing but I tried everything to not show it. I sat between Heeseung and Jay so I don't lose control.
"Let's play card games?" Sunoo said and took out the cards. He divided the cards and we started playing.

"Why did you take so long?" Jay whispered since he was the first one to win. "I couldn't find my jacket." I lied and tried to play it naturally. White lies don't hurt. "Then why are you blushing?" – "What?!" I touched my cheeks and tried to cool it off. "It's nothing. It's the- uhm the cold, yes." I said pulling my jacket closer.
"Bad liar." I signaled a psh and went to play again.


It got darker and so we went in again. We decided to put the tents a little closer to the cottage and so everyone got ready to sleep. Earlier we took a lot of pictures too and so I was putting them all into the little pocket for the polaroids I bought.
Everyone in my tent was already sleeping so I just went out and sat under a lantern on the beach. I was looking through all the pictures until a voice scared me. I was about to scream when they put their hand on my mouth. "You fucking scared me, Jake! Never do that again." I said trying to calm my heart. "Sorry. I thought you heard me." I continued looking at the pictures and putting them in the pocket. "Why aren't you sleeping?" – "I can't sleep. What about you?" – "Same." He sighed and laid his head on my legs.

I put the pocket away and looked at him since he was staring. "What?" – "Nothing." – "Okay." I smiled and stared back.
We were staying in that position for a pretty long time until a cold breeze came and gave me chills everywhere. "Should we go?" I said looking at him again. He stood up and offered his hand to help me up.
I took his hand and we walked to the tents. "Good night, Jake," I said and gave him a peck. "Good night." He whispered and we both went to our tents.

A/n I've always wanted to use the word peck idk but i just love it

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A/n I've always wanted to use the word peck idk but i just love it. Anyways here is a crappy chapter <3

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