part 54

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Yoojun pov

Waking up to my phone blowing up I looked at the display.

Annoying shit <3

Idk if you're still alive but bro????
Are you dumb???
What was the post?????!
I thought you loved her..
Dang I'm disappointed in you
I didn't raise you like that.

What the fuck happened????

Check your insta.


After I texted my brother I did what he said and went on my profile. What the actual fuck? Isn't that the scene we were shooting? And when did I post that?
Confused I quickly deleted the post and texted y/n. This can't be true.
Grace you're dead.

Loml <3

Y/n please I can explain
It's a misunderstanding!!!
Y/n please you haven't picked up my phone calls!!!
I'm worried about you.
Please text me
Please let me meet you
I can explain

What do you want yoojun?
I've already seen what you wanted me to see.
And you don't have to explain
I understood.
You could've just break up with me anyways
Didn't have to cheat.

No, it's not like that!
I didn't cheat, I love you.

Whatever it's useless.

No! Y/n, please. Let me explain.
{cannot be sent}
{cannot be sent}
Y/n, please.
{cannot be sent}
Well, good luck with Jake.
{cannot be sent}


I closed my phone as a sigh left my mouth. This is a fucking joke. Just a nightmare.
I got up and went out of my hotel room. I need to quit this shooting.
I quickly went to the director and producer who were waiting for me in the lounge.
"Why do you have your suitcase with you-"
"I'm quitting. I'm quitting this shooting."
"I don't want to shoot anymore."
"Because the main role is a bitch. Now if you excuse me I need to catch a flight."
I just left the hotel and put my AirPods in.
I don't give a shit about my career. I let her go. So easily.

I took the flight to Seoul again. Trying to call y/n from other phones or texting on other apps.

"WHERE ARE YOU? HOW CAN YOU JUST STOP THE SHOOTING WITHOUT TALKING TO ME OR THE PD?! YOU WILL BE SO IN SO MUCH TROUBLE!" My manager screamed through the phone. "Well, I did what I wanted to do. Give your idols and actors some space and let them decide for themselves." I just hung up.

Let's just go home.
I rang the doorbell and waited.
As soon as my mom opened the door I hugged her.
"Oh, my- Yoojun! What's wrong, honey?"

"Are you....crying?" My older brother came and hugged me as we sat on the couch.
"I lost her. I'm so dumb."
"So that post wasn't from you?"
"NO! I WOULD NEVER CHEAT ON HER!" Now the frustration came out of me.
"Woah, calm down. Tell me what happened."
"The picture it was a shooting. And someone posted it on my phone making it look like I'm cheating on y/n."
Even saying her name hurts.
"But I didn't cheat. It was a fucking shoot! And now I don't know what happened to her but she blocked me."
"You know where she lives."
"But she probably has a schedule."
"But she won't be at work at 11 pm."
"Hey, can you drive me? I think I know where she is."
"If you say so. But if she says no then except your fate, Yoojun."
"Yeah yeah I know, just drive."

She has to give me chance to explain.

My brother and I got into his car as I gave him the address from the dorm. She's probably chilling with those 7 boys. Enhypen.


"Good luck." My brother patted my shoulder and waited for me to know on that door.
I was hesitating but then I just did it.
Now there is no back.
"Who the heck is her- Hey." I saw the little cute boy opening the door. It was his birthday, right?
"Hey, Sunoo. Is uhm y/n at home?"
"She probably doesn't want to see you here."
"Please. Can you please bring her? I need to talk to her."
Sunoo sighed in annoyance.
"Noona, someone's here for you!" He screamed, "AT THIS TIME?"
"Just come." I could hear her fight as she came to the door getting a happy smile from Sunoo. Not gonna lie his smile is so cute.
"Really? And for that you made me leave my food Sunoo. Just wait till-"
"Sorry!" Sunoo just screamed and went in again.

"Hi." This is awkward.
"What do you want Yoojun? I don't have anything to say."
"But I have."
"I don't care." She was about to shut the door.
"I quit the shooting."
"Yeah, I know. Congrats? Now can-"
"Please meet me. I want to explain. Please."
I don't know what she is feeling right now but I can see her tears.
"The cafe where we met. Tomorrow at 7 pm," I just said and smiled "hopefully you will come. If not then...then it's fate."

I'm just gonna post cuz I'm so excited cuz of the comeback ARGHHHHH IM SO HAPPY THEY ALL RECOVERED AND THEY GONNA BLESS MY EARS AGAIN VERY SOON 😭😭😭😭

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I'm just gonna post cuz I'm so excited cuz of the comeback ARGHHHHH IM SO HAPPY THEY ALL RECOVERED AND THEY GONNA BLESS MY EARS AGAIN VERY SOON 😭😭😭😭

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