part 63

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I was watching TikTok earlier and found this cheese ramen hack so just had to try it.

I made everything I had to do and ate a little bit.
"Ah! I need to post it!" I was on my phone looking for the perfect angle when Jake came in.
"What are you doing?" Jake looked over my shoulder.
"You want some?" I showed at the ramens. He was thinking while looking at me then suddenly took my chopsticks and ate a little bit too. "Why did you-"
"As if it's a big deal. We even almost k-" He cut himself off and walked to the side what made me more confused.
"Hi hyung." - "Oh hey Heeseung," I happily said, "you want some?"
"No, I just lost my appetite." He looked disgusted at us. "I-"
"Nope. Keep it. I'm out." He just went out what made both of us laugh.


"So, who's driving?" The manager asked once again. "If I'd be honest: I think the boys should rest that's what the whole trip is about."
"Okay, then it'll be me or you."
"And you worked a lot too. I will just drive." I contented again.
The manager just nodded after hesitating first and sat in his seat.
"By the way. Who's sitting next to me?"
"Definitely not Jake hyung," Ni-ki whispered but everyone heard that.
"I need someone who has good music taste and can keep me entertained."
"That literally describes Jake," Jay said.
"Well, then I'll sit in the front seat. Any objections?" He looked around. "Nope? Okay. Y/n I'm sitting next to you." I just happily clapped into my hands and gave him a high five what made Ni-ki sigh.


The first 30 minutes or something everyone was minding their own business while Jake and I were listening to music while talking about god knows what.
It was pretty fun to see how different we are but have the same interests. "Still not over the fact you like math," I said laughing
"Oh come on as if history isn't boring."
"No, it isn't???"
"That's the same with math."
"Can you both shut up now? You've been talking about that for 10 minutes now." Jungwon looked at us and took one of his buds out.
"Why are you even listening?"
"I need to pee," Sunoo said coming in between Jake and me.
"Sunoo back off I'm driving." Jake just pushed him back.
"Well hurry, I need to pee."
"The next stop is in 1 mile hold it. We're just gonna eat lunch there, okay?"
I looked back from the mirror.

"Everyone who has to use the toilet goes now." The manager said stretching.
Ni-ki, Sunoo, Jake, and Heeseung went to the toilet while the others got their lunch pack I made in the morning.
It's been an hour since driving and we still have two hours left so I just went to the gas station store and bought a coffee.


"Guys! Fight quieter! Most of you are sleeping, you dumbasses." I scream whispered at Jungwon and Sunoo who were fighting.
"Noona, the joke is funny right?"
"No, it isn't," Jungwon said again.
"But you smiled when I said it."
"Yeah because you're dumb."
"Aye! I'm still older." Sunoo scoffed.
"What was the joke?" I said sighing.
"Why did Adele cross the road? To say hello from the other side." He said starting to burst out laughing what made me laugh too.
"Oh come on Noona! It's not even funny." I just nodded at Jungwons statement.
"Hey, Ni-ki! Ni-ki! What does a house wear?" Ni-ki looked confused at Sunoo. "Address." Sunoo started laughing again and Ni-ki joined him.

After we all laughed about his lame jokes suddenly I saw Jake moving next to me.
He fell asleep right after we ate lunch and were on the highway.
I quickly glanced at him as he looked at me.
"What are you looking at?"
"How much longer do we have to go?" He said with his sleepy voice.
"Check the navigation."
"Stop at the next rest stop, please." He said stretching a little bit.
"We're gonna switch. You look tired and I already rested."
"Nope, I'm fine. I had coffee earlier and it's not even that long."
"It literally says we might get stuck in a traffic jam because of the building site."
"I told you, I'm okay. If I get tired I'm gonna stop but right now I'm not." I said when I suddenly yawned. Wow, life is really against me.
"I TOLD YOU! Now stop right there we're gonna switch." I sighed as I just parked at the next rest stop and changed seats with Jake.

We were talking all together for most of the time when I suddenly fell asleep.

We were talking all together for most of the time when I suddenly fell asleep

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A/n: IT'S enhypainwonhoon 's BIRTHDAY BFISNFKE HAPPY BIRTHDAY YOU GRANDMA <3333leave some birthday wishes for them please :3 and if you still haven't checked out their books YOU'RE MISSING SOMETHING OUT!!! GO CHECK THEM OUT FJIWJFJE

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leave some birthday wishes for them please :3 and if you still haven't checked out their books YOU'RE MISSING SOMETHING OUT!!! GO CHECK THEM OUT FJIWJFJE


A/n: i have two questions
1. On what mode do you read Wattpad? So i can make it match the posts
2. How do you like the book so far..? Idk but it kinda feels empty to me cuz i don't have any ideas anymore :')
Anyways thank you guys so much for still sticking to that book <3

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