❥︎enhypen au
„Good luck with living with them."
'how did my cooking videos bring me to my favorite boyband?'
It was a miracle. Y/n met people she thought she wouldn't, unlocked new emotions and faced a lot of damage through new emotions.
A new chapt...
"Let's watch a movie?" We were finished eating and now sitting on the bed again. We were both zoning out or something when he suddenly raised his voice.
"Fine. But a horror movie." "Ayeee I'm-" – "No. Let's just watch Annabelle." – "I'm scared." – "Me too, but we have each other so it's okay." I got up and got the remote for the tv in my room. "Let's watch it in English I'm too lazy to think." – "Okay Okay." He said hugging my big plushie. Cute. We sat up everything and were making it comfortable in bed. "Wait! Before we start. I need to go to the toilet." I got up and almost left the room. "Don't leave me alone." – "I'm next door, dummy." – "Still!" "Oh come on we didn't even start yet." – "Okay then hurry." Would it be evil if I take long on purpose? No. Not at all. I slowly did everything, even drank something in the kitchen, and walked through the whole house. "Y/N HURRY!" He started singing a song to distract himself. I can't with him. I then went to the room. "You're such a bitch. You did it on purpose." – "It wouldn't be fun if I didn't." Jake just gave me a 'are you serious?' look what made me laugh. He looks so cute when he's upset or frustrated.
We started watching it and always when we knew a jump scares would come he tightly held my hand or got closer to me. And every time my heart would beat fast.
"Open your eyes, it ended." "You're not lying aren't you?" "No, I'm not. Promise." He slowly opened his eyes and saw the movie end. A relieved sigh left his mouth. "Are you tired?" – "A little bit." I answered. "Do you want to sleep?" "If you're tired then let's go to sleep," I said and looked at the clock. We were sitting in the dark and the movie ended 10 minutes ago. Stupid idea I know. "Okay, let's just fall asleep." – "Okay." He put his phone on the charger took one pill and laid down.
I can't sleep. Thinking about how Jake is sleeping next to me is making my brain act up. A sigh left my mouth and I turned around. "You can't sleep too?" – "Even tho I'm tired." – "Same." He turned around, snuggled up in his blanket, and faced me. We were looking at each other for a while when we realized what we were doing. "When is your birthday?" – "You didn't know?" "Nope." – "29th November" – "Hah! I'm older." – "I know." He continued laughing until he choked on air and needed to cough. Now I was the one laughing.
"Go to sleep now," I said after we put ourselves together. "I'm scared. Imagine I wake up and Annabelle is laying next to me instead of you." "What is that of an imagination? If you're scared then..." I started thinking. "Then?" – "Then. Hmmmm" I thought. "Can I hug you?" – "If you feel safe doing it, feel free to do it." I said and tried to sleep. "Okay, when I'm scared or having a nightmare I'm just going to hug you. And if you have a nightmare or are scared, you hug me." – "And if we both are scared or have a nightmare?" You shouldn't have asked that y/n. "Then we just cuddle or watch cocomelon" – "Hahaha. Okay, good idea. Sleep well, Jake." – "You too." He patted my head and turned around. After that, we both fell asleep.
'I was hiding in the bathroom. I hope she doesn't find me here. I'm so scared. "Y/n! We know you're in there! Come out or you will regret breathing!" I kept quiet and hoped she would go. "Hey! I have an idea!" Grace, Stella's best friend whispered. I couldn't hear anything when suddenly something wet fell on me. "HAHAHHAHA LOOK AT HER!" both were laughing at me. "AWWW HERE HAVE YOUR FOOD Y/N!" They screamed and threw trash at me. I want to cry. I want to die. I can't handle this. Why me? Why? Why is it always me? WHY? I ran out of the toilet but couldn't run far. "Where are you running, y/n?" Another friend of Stella came. "You can't hide forever. We need to end this, don't you think?" She let go of me and scrunched her nose. "Why aren't you wearing the perfume I gave you." Why can't you all leave me alone? Why is there no one helping me? Why? Just why? "Here" she threw toilet paper on me "now you can clean yourself. Thank me later." She pushed me to the floor and stepped on my hand. When will this end? I can't anymore. I could see the phones people were holding, everyone taking pictures of me, laughing at me, and no one was there to help me. No one thought about helping me.
3rd person pov
Y/n woke up frightened and was shaking so much. Again these nightmares she saw on her right. Jake was sleeping peacefully while y/n was almost dying. She quietly went out of the room and drank water. "Please. Please make it stop." She started crying and fell to the floor. She tried everything to overcome this trauma but nothing helped. No one could help her. After putting herself together again she stood up and looked in the mirror. "Y/n! Stay strong! You will overcome this!" She said to herself and wiped off her tears. She decided to go outside a little bit.
'It's getting cold I don't want to get sick again.' she thought and left to go to sleep again. But she was too scared to go to sleep. She lay on her bed and looked at Jake. 'How can someone be so pretty?' she thought and tried to remember everything about his face. Looking at him for minutes she then remembered what he said to her. 'And if you have a nightmare or are scared, you hug me' She thought. Should I wake him up? But he's sleeping so peacefully. But I'm scared. He will get angry if he knows. Ughhh. After thinking long enough she tapped his shoulder.
"Jake. Jakey." Y/n whispered and hoped he would wake up. "Jakey?" She tried again before giving up. "Hm?" Jake answered and opened his eyes a little bit. "I'm scared." – "Come here." He opened his blanket and waited for y/n. She got close to him and he closed his blanket. "You know I'm here, right. I will protect you." He whispered and smiled even though he was asleep. He tightly hugged y/n and stroked her hair. "Now close your eyes. Don't worry. Everything will be okay. I'm with you, I'm here so nothing will happen to you. I will protect you and fight for you. Okay? Even though I'm scared too I will always protect you, don't worry." He whispered and was still stroking her hair.
'What did I do in my life to deserve you' she thought and smiled. "Thank you," Y/n said and hugged Jake too. "Always for you, princess."
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